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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/20 in all areas

  1. Post your favorite pics. Let’s enjoy the beauty of black rifles and shotguns!
    2 points
  2. Modify your firearm in good faith. Screw the fine print on 922R as I have yet to see a real incident report of a common citizen being legally cited for an infraction of said regulation.....standing by to review of any legally prosecuted instant cases. IF however you live under a rock and are found to be in possession of cocaine in weight exceeding your shot shell magazine capacity and a firearm that has had its serial number defaced with a hard piece of crack, some zealous prosecutor will use said infraction to pursue such scumbags for a 3-strikes-and-they're-out case over the top and put them away. Just sayin'.
    1 point
  3. Probably depends on your tool the most. There isn't much room in there for error and misalignment is easy to happen. Since each pin is machined at each end to allow the pin to be captured under the spring tension. Like if you tried to drive the pin out without removing the spring tension, you'd probably damage the body of the ARGO plug. If you over compressed the post, the same would happen where the pin would be captive again just at the other side of the pin.
    1 point
  4. It's interesting how everyone is tapping out the gas plug pins. When I compressed the springs my pins just fell out. No tapping needed. Maybe I compressed the spring more or perhaps it was due to the lack of carbon build up?
    1 point
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