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what a night ... I came out ahead, finally!


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Was out at the shooting club last night and my sporting clays partner whom bought a Super Sport gave up on it. He could never get into a rythum with it


I stepped in with a proposal of a trade and he bit.


My 28" Legacy and extra 26" barrel for His 30" Super Sport and an extra 28" barrel.


I feel sorta dirty about it but, he accepted it not like I held a gun to his head or anything.. tongue.gif


The evening only got better!


As I got back to the club from gathering up my Legacy for the exchange.. I overheard another guy wanting to rid himself of his new (only 5 course rounds through the gun) SPOTLESS!! 30" Beretta 391 Tekneys Gold Sporting with the 32" (trap) barrel.


After talking, laughing and then writting a $1200.00 check (until I went to the bank today and pulled cash out) I got to thinking of the deals I had just ran into..


If it wasn't for my buddy throwing the towel in on the SS and the trade happening .. I'm betting I would've never walked by the other guys and stumbled upon the Beretta..


for once .. I was in the right place at the right time.

twice in a night!


......too bad I couldn't score good enough on the course to justify buying a round .. tongue.gif

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yea .. I'm happy with both at this point. The new designs finally grew on me ,, just couldn't get around 'em at first. As for the Beretta I'm going to give it a whirl on the course this week so we'll see how it goes. I've had a std 28" Urika for a while but, as you know the Tekneys G-Sporting is set up a bit different... feels slightly better in hand and on shoulder for me.


How many years have you had your G-Sporting Drundel?




very true Fez .. happy as a pig in ,,,,, well you know..

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