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Nordic components mazazine tube extension


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I have a Benelli Tactical M2, 18.5 Barrel with the factory +2 tube extension. I would like to install a Nordic Components Plus 4 Magazine Tube Extension. Will this Nordic extension extend beyone the end of the barrel? Also, I will need a replacement sling plate to be mounted below the Nordic tube. I want to keep the original factory +2 extension intact. Can anyone recommend a sling plate that can be used with the Nordic Component tube. Thank you again for your input.

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I just put a Nordic +3 extension on my 18" M2 tactical and it stops about 1/2" before the muzzle. So, the +4 is going to run over by a bit. I'm not yet able to get all 7 rounds in my M2 with the Nordic +3 on it, so I'm working on the details. However, I found your question while searching for answers of my own and thought I'd share what I know so far.


Hope that helps.

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I have a Benelli Tactical M2, 18.5 Barrel with the factory +2 tube extension. I would like to install a Nordic Components Plus 4 Magazine Tube Extension. Will this Nordic extension extend beyone the end of the barrel? Also, I will need a replacement sling plate to be mounted below the Nordic tube. I want to keep the original factory +2 extension intact. Can anyone recommend a sling plate that can be used with the Nordic Component tube. Thank you again for your input.


Ive never owned the M2, so excuse me if this is a dumb question. But, can you not just simply use the stock sling loop plate along with the Nordic Components extension? Of course, when you say "below," Im assuming you mean "behind." Anyway, usually this piece resides behind the mag tube retaining nut (between the nut and mag tube/forend) as a somewhat "free floating" device. Based on what Ive seen, the M2 is no exception. Even if the sling loop plate is somehow anchored to the integral portion of the mag tube, I would think that replacing it would be unnecessary when adding an aftermarket extension.


Hence, if you replaced the stock extension with the Nordic Components item, it seems to me that nothing would really change in terms of the sling plate location. But again, Ive never done this on an M2, so Im simply going from pics and possibly flawed logic.


Also, the +4 extension will probably extend beyond the barrel. Stick with the +3 or less.

Edited by shotgunNoob
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The sling plate is connected to the factory +1 extension with a snap ring. If you put it under the plate, you'll not have the "ball detent" making contact to help keep the extension from coming loose. However, Nordic makes a barrel/magazine clamp that will either take a picatinny rail for a rail style sling loop, or a 10-32 screw and you can bolt a standard sling swivel to the clamp. that's what I'm going to do with my M2.

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