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Pin Dropped out of my NEW Nova?


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I've just got a brand new Nova. I removed the barrel and a pin dropped out of the action.


I have no idea what it is?



Question: Is it worth the drive back to the gun shop (30 mins drive) or can I just easily put it back myself.


The action still cycles but I haven't fired it and something dropping out is obviously not a good thing.


I've attached a picture of the object.



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It seems there are very few pins that size in the Nova according to this diagram. The weapon should be displaying problems due to the missing pin. Generally, a roll pin is holding something together. This isn't the first time I've heard of a Benelli coming with a pin rattling around in the action. The pin ended up not even being to the weapon itself. The part was dropped in at either the factory or the gunstore. You may have located one of their pins that got sent into orbit.

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Probably part number 67. Yup, that's the ejector retaining pin. It's a roll pin actually. It's a regular thing for them to fall out but if yours is intact then it could be a dropped one that they could not find. Look and make sure you still have the ejector with the spring attached to it. Easy to put back in, just make sure the spring goes in first with the ejector plate attached to it. Remove the barrel and pull the slide back and look square at the front of the receiver. About 1 1/4" in from the front, just above the ejector plate you will see an open area. Simply lay the roll pin against the wall of the receiver and start the roll pin into the void just above the plate. You may need a flat blade screwdriver or long punch to push it the rest of the way in, a hammer is not needed. Once the barrel is installed there is no risk of it coming back out.

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It seems there are very few pins that size in the Nova according to this diagram.


It's hard to tell from the tiny picture posted, but the pin looked solid to me. Either way, there are several


Candidates per the Benelli diagram would be

Drawing 1 - #21 or #8

Drawing 2 - #6, #8, or #12

Drawing 3 - #12

Drawing 5 - #4


Bottom Line - If you can't figure it out, DO NOT use the weapon until it has been checked by a competent gunsmith.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm at work at the moment but when I get a chance I'll take a look to see if it's #67. In any event I will probably end up taking this back to the shop and let them take a look at it. Of course it could also be any of the parts that Tucker301 mentioned!


Rest assured I certainly won't shoot it until I'm happy that the gun is servicable. When done I need to take this to the local range and shoot some. It would be tragic if I take it on a hunting trip and it lets me down, especially as I'm a novice hunter.


One thing concerns me is that I do store this with barrel removed butt plate down. The shotgun with it's long barrel is simply to long to easily fit in my gun safe.. so I have to. Is there anything I need to be careful of when doing this to make sure parts don't fall out?


I actually have an R-870 tactical 18" that I have as a home defense weapon and I'm very happy with it. I was all fired up to get another 870 for hunting but my very experienced hunting friend convinced me that the Benelli Nova is super reliable and the best for the money option as a hunting shotgun. We're not off to a good start with bit's dropping out of it! :-( I hope this is just teething problems.



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It would be tragic if I take it on a hunting trip and it lets me down, especially as I'm a novice hunter

It would only be disappointing if your weapon lets you down on a novice hunting trip.


It would be tragic if some portion of your weapon ends up embedded in your face or head.

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Probably part number 67. Yup, that's the ejector retaining pin. It's a roll pin actually. It's a regular thing for them to fall out but if yours is intact then it could be a dropped one that they could not find. Look and make sure you still have the ejector with the spring attached to it. Easy to put back in, just make sure the spring goes in first with the ejector plate attached to it. Remove the barrel and pull the slide back and look square at the front of the receiver. About 1 1/4" in from the front, just above the ejector plate you will see an open area. Simply lay the roll pin against the wall of the receiver and start the roll pin into the void just above the plate. You may need a flat blade screwdriver or long punch to push it the rest of the way in, a hammer is not needed. Once the barrel is installed there is no risk of it coming back out.


And the winning prize goes to Benelligunny! :-).


Yes it turned out to be part number 67.


I did take your advise and I did look at the extractor and everything looked OK.


So I took it back to the gun store that I got it from and got whole the story.


What happened was that when they received the Nova from the distributor they naturally took it out of the box and checked it out prior to delivering it to me. When he did this the extractor fell out on the bench. He couldn't find the item 67 roll pin that held the extractor in place so assumed that it fell out somewhere between Italy and San Diego CA :-)


So he replaced it!


The original must have fallen off and wedged somewhere inside the action and when I was cleaning it then it must have dislodged itself fell out.


So I now have a spare roll pin part #67 :-)


Thanks for the help!

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