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Converting 26" Supernova to a tactical


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I group,


I have wanted a pump shotgun for a while and a month or two back, came across a 26" Comfortech Supernova for a great price, so I picked it up. I don't hunt and already have a clays gun for the shooting sports, so I had kind thought this could be an all-around and home defense gun.


Well, swinging that 26" barrel around in the house, I realized it was pretty long. So I started searching for a longer barrel and some other accessories.


Long story short, I've now found that adding a shorter barrel, pistol grip stock, Mesa shell carrier (my receiver is not threaded) is going to be a pretty big job. I've also read that just buying the tactical is probably the better way to go forward rather than trying to convert mine.


I've now come across a nice, gently used 18.5" tactical version with (I think) a nice Mesa Tactical shell carrier and tube extension already mounted.


Thoughts on how I should proceed forward? I don't necessarily see the need for 2 pumps. Thoughts, ideas and suggestions are appreciated.




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