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Carriercomp "Muted" Titanium tube


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The Cerakote, NP3 and bead blasted tubes all look slightly different. Most won't really notice it, but you will if you're directly comparing the two. I'd go with the weight reduction of the titanium tube if I were picking, or go the other extreme and get a carbon fiber one from Briley.

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Here's what the carbon fiber looks like with the cerakote if you're wondering. I have a carrier comp muted titanium on order too but they are saying it won't be filled until August. Installed the carbon fiber a few days ago and I'm happy with it so far, just not sure on durability.  Still deciding if I'm going to keep my CC titanium order as an additional tube or cancel it.


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14 hours ago, RetardStrength said:

Has anyone purchased one of these, and how does it compare to the H20 cerakote finish? I've placed an order for one but I'm debating whether I should go with an NP3 coated steel tube from FFT instead. Any input is appreciated.

My H2O is an original NP3 plated model. This is it with the CC muted titanium tube. Initially, I was a bit disappointed with the match but I really don't mind it anymore.

Also, the tube that was replaced on my gun was a FFT NP3 7 round steel tube which was a perfect match to the gun but the CC titanium tube is a superior product.

Scroll down in this thread for my pics; 


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