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Choke patters in Benelli vs. other shotguns


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In ordering some new choke tubes for my SBE-II, I was told that because Benellis have a .723 bore diameter as compared to the .730 diameter of other shotguns, that a "cylinder" choke in the Benelli would pattern like a "skeet" choke in the other guns.


Is there anyone out there that can validate this or has taken the time to compare the patterns from the skeet (aftermarket) and cylinder (factory) choke tubes?



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i have tested a lot of different chokes. i dont see that much differance in choke patterns for say, a cylinder vs skeet, skeet vs imp. cylinder, imp cyl vs mod, and so on. there is a noticable differance in say cylinder vs imp cyl, imp cyl vs imp modified, modified vs full. i will give you the full run down of my test. choke constriction are as follows, cylinder .000", skeet .005", improved cylinder .010", modified .020", improved modified .025" , full .035",extra full .040" all test were done with charles daly automatic 12ga w/ 28" barrel, at a range of 20yds,[60ft] using federal heavy game loads 3 1/4 drams& 1 1/8 oz of # 7 1/2 shot. patterns were measured by diamature, cyl-21ft,skeet-19.5ft, imp cyl-15ft, modified-10ft, imp modified-7ft, full-5.5ft, and extra full-3.5ft. but yes i believe a differance of .007 would make your cyl choke a -cylinder. because in most manufacturers, a cylinder tube has less constriction than a skeet, but some may differ.

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