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Posts posted by babalou

  1. It doesn't have to do with an extension, it has to do with the magazine capacity. If the mag capacity (2 3/4 inch shells) is 5 or less no problem, whether it has an extension or not. For the M1, no extension=3 rounds, +2 extension=5 rounds, +4=seven rounds; its the last that may be a problem. I'm still waiting for a reply from BATF on the legality of adding a +4 to an imported shotgun.

  2. I guess this should be in its own topic, but since I seem to have hijacked it I reply here. I've spent several days in various web sites mired in legal language trying to find the answer to: is it legal to put the +4 extension (for a total mag capacity of 7 rounds) on an imported shotgun with all imported parts. It seems to me it is not legal based on the USC and CFR I quoted above, but its clear as mud. This is based on statutes and regulations separate from the AWB, and these did not sunset.

    BATF on their website states they will not answer legal questions by e-mail, so I will plan to write a letter asking for BATF's interpretation on this. I don't know how long it will take to get an answer, but I'll post it in a new topic when I get it.

    If it is illegal its not currently enforced vigorously now since I see M1's configured like this all over the place, but it doesn't mean it won't get you in deep trouble someday.

  3. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that putting the +4 mag extension on the M1 is against federal law. Importation of shotguns with fixed magazines holding greater than 5 rounds is prohibited under the GCA amendments passed around 1989 (weapons can only be imported that have a "sporting use"); nor can imported weapons be converted to a form which would be illegal to import. See 18 USC 922 (l), 922 ®, 18 USC 925 (d)(3), and 27 CFR 478.39. This only applies to imported weapons, not US made ones. This law did not sunset with the AWB.

    I am not an attorney, and I would love it if I am wrong, since I have a +4 sitting on a shelf! Can anybody show if I'm wrong?

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