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Posts posted by mr20ga

  1. Originally posted by wallhanger54:

    With the 2 bead system youre supposed to stack the beads like an 8 so that the front bead is sitting over the mid bead and using a 6 o'clock hold , your point of impact should be just above the front sight in a 60/40 pattern at about 25 to 30 yards. If you line them up where you cant see the front bead so you cant see it, you will probably shoot low. If it continues to screw you up you can just remove it by grabbing it with a pair of needle nose pliers and unscrew it. I personally dont use the mid bead myself, I just point and shoot. If you spend too much time looking at the sights, you'll probably miss the target.

  2. Whats the purpose of the center bead? How are you suppose to aim with the two beads. The ventilated rib is higher on the back end of the barrel, do you need to compensate for that. I old shot gun has one bead and no rib, so I just looked straight down the barrel

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