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river rat

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Posts posted by river rat

  1. Originally posted by Byron South:

    Well, I got my M4 back today. I overnighted it to them they checked it out replace the low recoil barrel with the 2 port barrel and overnighted it back. Haven't shot it yet but I'm sure all will be fine. They thus far have impressed me with their effort to correct my problem , but have not noticed any changes to their website and would be willing to bet that the dealers haven't been contacted about the problem the "low recoil load" (4-Port) have experienced either. I guess the squeeky wheel gets the grease. I kind of feel for guys that in the future buy these 'Low Recoil barrels only to have them break on expensive trips or in bad situations. Hopefully they will make some effort to make it public the problems they have experienced with the 4-ports and shooting heavy loads.


    I'll be back later to let you know how my "super duper, military tough, shotgun does.



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