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Captain Chris

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Posts posted by Captain Chris

  1. Mathews have good reviews and are high end bows! I started last year and for my first bow I got a Bowtech. I haven't been big game hunting with it yet but too learn my bow and learn spot and stalk and sill hunting methods, I started with ground squirls (whistle pigs). Squirls are fun to hunt with a bow when you are learning and I've killed more than with my 22.

    These guys are right about being in the field actually hunting but when you're learning the sport you should put as many arrows through it as you can.

    BTW, my bow was a package deal single cam with a tru glow sight and hostage rest that did me very well and I only paid about 400 for the whole thing, and I do recomend a single cam bow. The same company also makes Diamond archery which are still awsome bows but way less expensive.

    another piece of advice is if you haven't been through an archery safety course yet, it would be a good idea. I learned alot even though I thought I knew everything before ;)

    good luck on your new venture!

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