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Posts posted by lundinbridge

  1. I know that this doesn't have much to do with Benelli, but does anyone know the pros and cons of different brands of duck boats. Two main choices are Pro-Drive and Gator-Tail. Also does anyone have any info on marsh rats or otter outdoors final attack?

  2. One large factor going into my decision at this point is the price. The $300 or so I'd save with the Vinci would allow me to possibly purchase a deer rifle before the season. Either way there's a lot of grass mowing and garden weeding needed to be done before I can purchase either gun.

  3. Thanks for the input, i have no real need for 3.5"s cause i would be using it mostly for duck and teal. I have heard that 3"s can take down ducks and geese just as well as 3.5"s. Also, what are the differences between 26" and 28" barrels? Are there any advantages with one or the other? And does it affect shot patterns or accuracy?

  4. I am looking for a new 12 ga. auto loader and I am without a doubt going with benelli. The one problem I have is choosing between the Vinci or the SBE II. Right now I am leaning towards the Vinci because I like the feel of it, it shoulders well, and it costs less. Any suggestions or comments that may help me decide are appreciated.

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