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Posts posted by jlunetta

  1. Ok, so after spending more time on this that I would like to admit; here is what i've come up with.


    Here is what they look like OME (original manufacture equipment): http://www.benellivinci.it/newsite/it/node/21


    Here is a random but helpful answer/response that I found useful: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110404172011AAbWEiR


    Here is an archived discussion from July/2011 that comments on why the SBE and M4 tubes won't work, and where to look in the future: http://www.thehighroad.org/archive/index.php/t-604990.html

  2. I have the exact same question. I see your post was from february, and now here it is September, and doing many variations of a google search for tube modules... M265, M395, M515, AND M640 etc. does not generate the results I need to track one down. Perhaps I just haven't found it yet. Of course they must be out there. Nonetheless, if it's still this hard to find, I'd say regulations, limited consumer demand, etc might be complicating the process.... and more likely, when I do find one, it'll probably be the most expensive steel tube I've ever bought.


    It's times like this a guy wishes he had a pile of scrap metal tubing laying around, his own machining shop, and the time to go and fabricate something.


    I'm also a junior member, new to this forum (but not Benelli)... so if anyone has any info regarding an M515, or M640 please kindly advise.

  3. Ha! I just read your post, and then took out the spring on my new Super Vinci to see if there was a limiter. Holding my hand cautiously (per your post) on the joint module.. I loosed the screw waiting for a "release" of the spring. Suddenly, the thing blew past my hand and flew across two rooms into the kitchen! I'll put my entire thumb on it next time ;)


    No limiter btw. purchased 8/2011 in Indiana

  4. I have a SSII, and just bought a super Vinci yesterday. Haven't shot it yet. was looking at the same thing about the armi cleaning kit, and thought I might check it out. came across this thread, made me wonder if I should open my new bottle... Incidentally, I'm about 1/2 way (or more) through the bottle I got with my Super Sport 2. Anyway, I think it's probably just a really light oil, similar to sewing machine oil. So I agree with TMAC and will probably just use it up.


    I'll probably refill the bottle (since it fits in the case so nicely) with type F power steering fluid. and then CPL (clean lubricate protect) for storage... but CPL might be a bit heavy for shooting these newer guns. I learned to love CPL in the army, especially for storage.

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