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Kent Holce

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Posts posted by Kent Holce

  1. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1113[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1114[/ATTACH]Pic on left is when the stock snaps down after firing. Picture on right is with stock flush--as it should be. I probably will just let it snap down and leave it there. I guess I expected more for fit an finish. Thanks for the help.

  2. Thanks Truckcop,


    The aft end of fore-end moves to ground and sticks there after firings, about 5-8mm. The barrel is tight. There is a spring with clip in front of fore-end follower assembly with clip, but no washer--nor is one shown in parts list that I can see. Is there a round washer in the fore-end follower assembly not shown in parts drawings? That could be it, if missing. The plastic cylinder at base of the forearm is present. Any spec on the absent washer if there is one?

  3. I just purchased one with synthetic stock. Upon firing the forestock moves (slips downward). I inspected the stock--it appears that it readily flexes around the mounting ring. Regardless of pressure and tightening screw, it can still move. Seems like a design defect to me. Anyone else have this problem and is there a factory solution?

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