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Posts posted by hinchman

  1. Just because some people think Obama wants our guns, does not mean Obama gets our guns. People forget that there is a whole other country than what they show you on the news, and dont believe everything the NRA tells you, dont believe it. Alot of it is hype. There are over 150M gun owners with over 40M people who hunt each year (based on the amount of hunting permits sold from each state). Americans will not be parting with any guns. We keep buying guns. Women are buying guns, rich guys, poor guys, in between guys, guys who have trucks, guys who have Benz's...we all have guns, and all buy more guns and ammo everyday. Obama cant do much about it and thats the bottom line. Gun owners in the USA are a very loud bunch. Put in a hurricane Katrina situation where a whole city was taken advantage of at the current time and you will have a very different outcome.

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