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Posts posted by Greylag

  1. When I open my 828U, it happens more times that I get a finger pinched on the underside of the gun. My hand slides down to get balance in the gun when I open it after a shoot. Then my hand reach a position where a finger can get squeezed seriously.

    See attached picture (Adhesive patch on my small finger) ? Picture show right hand. Shooting links

    Any practical suggestions to avoid this problen?

    828U Finger squeezed.JPG

  2. Thank you Steve


    The problem occur when firing but difficult to show in a quick movie

    I'm a little surprised that this problem can occur in a Benelli after only 20K rounds. I remember a video from Tom Knap where he presented a Benelli that have shoot much, much more rounds ...

    Ok, but now I know.

    I will follow your advice and smooth off the edge as you describe

    Thank you for helping me - I really appreciate that you took time to answer my post

    Super forum ...



  3. My SBEII now have a problem. Turning the cartridge and the locking head in the barrel chamber fails.

    First I thought it was the bolt group having a wear-problem, but I found out that there is wear-edge in the metal of the barrel exactly where the extractor hit the barrel under locking. This edge sometimes now block the turning movement of the locking head

    Anybody know this problem? .... and how to solve it correct?

    SBE II Left Hand 7 years old and approximately 20.000 rounds



  4. Hi

    I don't think that you should focus that much on the choke to improve your shooting. It's easy to test the choke on a cardboard piece. Try shooting with the factory- and the Primos on a 30 yards distance. Then you see if there is difference in the spread. Use the choke that produce the most equal picture without open areas. After that you don't need to concentrate on your choke any more. Instead try to practice a lot of dry-shooting and shouldering of the gun. Be sure that the gun is correct adjusted to fit your body size. It's easy with a SBE II. With the 3 notches Crio choke I normally have no problem to reach about 23-24 hits out of 25 in a Trap-shooting with steelshot #7 (and sometime 25/25, smile)

    The SBE II is a fantastic gun

  5. I have also a Left handed SBE II at the same age. I use standard Crio choke delivered together with the gun at purchase. Last year I bought a new similar choke, but the old one was still ok. I use standard choke with 3 notches for both geese, ducks and clays. 3"#2 for geese and #4 for ducks. The old choke has shoot more than 25.000 steelshot rounds and looks still ok. I use the gun for both clays and hunts

    Benelli - simply perfect

  6. Hi

    I agree with you about the pattern but in Dk it's not legal to shoot clays with pellets bigger than #7. When the SuperVinci fire 3"#2 on a goosehunt there is no problem. The SuperVinci is an ecxpensive semiautomatic in Dk and therefore it's not outstanding to train clayshooting with the gun and having a lot of reloading problems with the max legal velocity.

    I agree with you that the gun don't meet the specifications.



  7. Hi Capt_C

    Thanks for your answer. It is a SuperVinci I'm writing about. Regarding the user manual the demand is 240 kgm 1 meter away from the muzzle. But it's not possible to buy shells in Europe with this marking. All are marked with ftps. 28 gram are equal 1 oz. The cartridge we use are size 7, 28 gram and 1350 ftps, 12G White Gold 28 gram shotshells from Gamebore.com

    The SuperVinci will not recycle reliable with this ammunition and we tried a lot of others.

    Is there something practical we can do to optimize the reloading cycle? Ammunition with a bigger weight is not legal in Denmark when shooting clays

  8. Hi there - Could someone help me with information regarding a new Vinci. The gun have until now shot more than 2.000 rounds but it still not able to reload reliable with 28 grams size 7 shotshells for clayshooting. My own SBE II reload 24 grams without any problem but also first after 2-3.000 rounds.

    Is it correct that the Vinci not are able to reload with 28 grams ammunition after a big amount of rounds?

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