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Posts posted by Pearlpower

  1. re-installed cheek rest.




    looks good, mind weighing that in, no shells? Looks a bit heavy, so I'm curious before I really start to mod mine beyond the simple charging handle and release I currently have. And before someone else chimes in, I bench an easy 250 and have better than average endurance, still does not mean I want to carry heavy weapons around along with other gear should the need arise, so weight does play a roll in determining my mods. Thanks.

  2. I don't like the M4 build out in the video. No sir.


    However, I am pretty certain Instructor Zero is the real deal. Former Italian SF.


    I suppose that could be misinformation, but it seems that way to me. Either way, I don't want to get into a gun fight with him, that's for sure.


    was as thinking the same, average Joe ok. Him, please no. I'm just a family man with a few guns as a hobby and HD, he appears to be the real deal. And if his M4 build suits his 'style' then I'm not one to tell him otherwise. I need my front teeth. :)

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