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Michael John

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  1. The search has ended. Thank you to all of those who reached out
  2. Hello my friends. I have $400 for a nice Surefire M80 rail if anyone is willing to sale.
  3. Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to reach out. I should have mentioned in the title that I have a $300-350 budget. I respect the open market and your ability to get the most you can but I simply can't justify spending more for a rail. If anyone is willing to sale in that range please shoot me a message. Thank you.
  4. Thats a great profit. I will keep my fingers crossed.
  5. Well done. You interested is making some money on it?
  6. I am hoping to score one in the 300-350 range.
  7. Hello, If there are any reasonable Surefire M80 owners out there interested in selling please let me know. I have looked high and low. Thanks
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