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Posts posted by FireDuck

  1. As a matter of fact yes.  I have a 3500 and my son has a 3000 and they both have the same issue.  The 3000 didn't start doing it for two years, then it was every couple of boxes, the 3500 made it through 125 rounds before it happened then it was 3 shots.  I did the super glue thing on the 3000 and it's still holding after 300 rounds, the 3500 bent the CSP bad enough it wouldn't go back into the trigger assembly so I contacted Benelli about the issue and asked if there was a factory fix.  They got back to me within a hour and they are going to send me a CSP, however, they gave no response to the factory fix question.  When new CSP comes it's getting the super glue fix and I'm going to buy a half a dozen extra CSPs just in case because having your gun become useless 30 minutes after shoot time starts and the birds are working really sucked. LOL

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