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  1. @WillieIt was indeed a 3.5", which is also why I spent almost $2,000 on the shotgun. I'm gonna let them fix it or I'll just have to say goodbye to Benelli's for good. Thanks for letting me know your experience!
  2. After 20 years of shooting Benelli Novas, I decided to purchase a SBE III this year. After shooting about 30 shells on the first day, I cleaned the gun when I got home. Since then, the gun has not properly reloaded after the first shell is ejected. I've taken it apart three or four times, watched YouTube videos and read forums, and each day since it's done the same thing. Yesterday, after one shot I manually loaded the second shell and it dry fired. After spending nearly $2k on the gun, I'm obviously hoping this is somehow an operator error, but doesn't seem to be. Any recommendations or tips? Thx!
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