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Le Fleur

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Posts posted by Le Fleur

  1. Good morning ladies and gents, I have a brand new 8" Briley M4 MLOK handguard for sale. It has been mounted on my M4, but I decided to go with the Agency (Not because of poor quality. It is rock solid once secured). Never had an attachment and hasn't been fired through. Asking $250 (PayPal) and I'll cover the shipping. Cheers!



  2. I'm pretty new to them also. Check out Trulock's website. He has good info that makes the concept and numbers make easy sense to knuckle-draggers like us. I have been studying the different types and manufacturers and have a pretty good understanding now. I'm going to pick up a I/C, M and a F to augment the M that's in the M4 from the factory. I snagged a Briley D today for 1/2 price. Then it's just a matter of known distance and patterning practice with different loads to see how everything works together. It's actually a pretty cool new skill to learn.

  3. I'm about to jump off the Briley cliff too! I'm just going to send it down to them and have everything done at once. I expect the M4 to be gone for months, but I'm confident in them so it is easier to accept.  

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