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Posts posted by jmk

  1. I purchased a collapsible stock wanting to replace my one piece pistol grip stock.  My shotgun already had the recoil tube with notches in it.  I was surprised  by this but was glad.  I began by watching videos on the removal and replacement of the collapsible stock.  One video that I have watched SAYS the long flat on the tube should be on top when you tighten the lock nut.  Another SHOWS the three larger grooves on the top of the tube before tightening the lock nut.  Mine was oriented with the larger grooves on the side.  I thought this would not be correct and my stock might be rotated off to the side.  I think that Benelli just tightened it up the correct depth inside the receiver and Loctited it into place, slapped on a one piece pistol grip stock and sold it as a civilian model.  I removed the tube and began attempting to orient the butt stock on the tube.  Damned if it doesn't have four notches on one side and three on the other with two small grooves in the middle and with two flat sides of different lengths.  I attempted to place the stock on the tube.  Man that button is too hard to push.  I looked up inside the tube of the stock and the round piece that slides when you push the button appears to be at a slight angle but it moves on and off of the tube grooves OK.  It appears from the videos that I have watched that the stock needs to be rotated clockwise a few degrees to get it to adjust and lock into place and also to remove it.  Well, I have tried starting the stock on that tube every way possible and it stops at different places and has to be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise to get it to move.  I frequently end up not being able to remove it to start over.  I have figured out that when the top of the stock lines up with the long flat side of the tube it will come off of the tube.  After that I am lost.  Sometimes I can't get it to rotate but it will slide hard and partially lock onto one of the grooves. Sometimes when I think I have it in a groove the stock slides back and forth about a half inch.  Unsure why all the extra grooves in it and flat sides etc.  I don't want to install the tube with the Locktite and lock nut until I know how it should be oriented. In the videos I have watched, they used the stock to do the last small amount of rotation of the tube before tightening everything down. But, you have to have the stock locked into one of the grooves correctly.  I am not sure.  Can anyone help me out?  I sure hope that those grooves were supposed to be off to one side and I removed that recoil tube for nothing!

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