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Posts posted by Rooster32

  1. Looking to buy a new 20ga auto. Have checked out a bunch at LGS and really like the feel of the SBE 3. Have read a TON of articles, watched ytube videos and keep seeing all the POA issues (high/left). Read about shimming and about loosening/tightening the barrel stop ring. Also read its designed that way, so you float your target (european) for the shot, which I think is more of an excuse for the problem. The “allowable” specs by Benelli seams to be awfully generous in being off target high/wide. Some say it was an early production problem. I understand that those with issues yell the loudest, but what’s the deal? Can you be confident in getting a gun that shoots no worse than 60/40, without having to send it back for repair? I asked the same question at my LGS and the response was basically the same from all them…it’s a crap shoot if you get a “good one”. Thoughts?

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