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Butter Bean

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Posts posted by Butter Bean

  1. I own both the M2 and the Vinci. Both great guns and you really can't go wrong with either.


    Both guns have had no problems cycling light loads. As far as cycle time you will never be able to shoot effectively faster than the gun will cycle. Getting back on target faster is what it's all about.

  2. I agree, it probably is an upland gun but what else could they do to the Ultralights to make them lighter? They already say the Ultralights are the lightest 12 and 20-guages. I gotta believe it's more than just a lighter Ultralight.


    From the intro on the home page it looks like it has a reciever like a Legacy.


    By the way, SWEEEEEEEEET tease. Those marketing guys at Benelli must have fun at their jobs.

  3. Thanks for being the voice of reason. It sounds to me like Benelli CS is doing quite a bit to help this guy. I think Nelli Girl's point about the 9 out of 10 meant that maybe there was nothing wrong with the barrel and why would Benelli replace a barrel with nothing wrong with it? If the user is not using the product correctly then a new barrel won't fix anything.


    I'm all for the "customer is always right" but I imagine Benelli has to draw the line somewhere. Otherwise people would be sending back their guns for all kinds of lame reasons.


    I own a Montefeltro that I've had for about 15 years. My brother and I went out and both bought one after seeing John Satterwhite do a show back when he was the exhibition shooter for Benelli.


    I also have a SBE, a SBE II, a Legacy 20 ga(old style), a M1014 Limited Edition, SuperSport and an R1. They all have had a decent amount of action, especially the Monte.


    Not one of these guns have ever failed on me. Not one. Therefore I have never experienced Benelli's CS.


    I also own several Winchesters, Remingtons, and Brownings. Some I can depend on, some I can't. I've had both good and bad experiences with their CS. I mostly keep them around for sentimental reasons.


    My point is that Browing and Remington may be "quality" firearms but I prefer Benelli's quality, good CS or bad CS.


    I spend too much money hunting just to have a gun fail in the field.


    Butter Bean


    [ 08-04-2005, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: Butter Bean ]

  4. I know they are coming out with a n ew version of the SteadyGrip turkey gun in both the SBEII and the M2. If you are looking for a turkey sole purpose gun you can't beat it. But you can also get a regular field stock to attach for other hunting. I have one of the original M1 w/ SteadyGrip and I really like it. It's hard to explain why that grip makes a difference but it does.


    [ 12-26-2004, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: Butter Bean ]

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