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  1. swdoc

    M4 sight troubles?

    Thanks, Johnny. 00 buck will be the primary load. Slugs will be to feed as needed. Mostly for use between 30 and 75 yards. I agree that it is a poor substitute for a rifle, if you need a rifle. Short range it will work fine, and the slugs are for if the engagement stretches a little past optimal buckshot range and transition to a rifle is not possible. Changing chokes and ammo are certainly in the program. The gun came w/ a modified (don't ask me why), and I'm nervous about not being able to get on target w/ the sight completely bottomed out. Changing ammo or choke could make it worse, as well as better, and I have nowhere to go in depressing the rear sight further. Mod choke, same ammo in new M4 of friends centered w/ plenty of adjustment left. Trying to figure out if I have made a mistake that I can correct, or if it needs to go back to Benelli for a look. I understand your point on slugs. I have a different niche for this shotgun to fill than I fill w/ my RRA. Any other ideas? Steve
  2. Just got my M4. It came with the standard modified choke, patterns very well w/ OO buckshot. When shooting 1 oz slugs, it shoots 5 inches high even with the rear sight completely bottomed out. (at 25 yards) A buddy got his the same day, mod choke, same slugs hit dead center with rear sight adjusted about 1/2 way down. I broke the shotgun down and reassembled, no change. Customer service was very helpful, but before I send it back in, I wondered if this is a problem seen before and if there are any other things to try here first. Also, what is the optimum choke for this shotgun if best balanced performance is desired with OO buck and slugs, interchangably? Thanks for any advice, Steve
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