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Gallo Pazzesco

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Posts posted by Gallo Pazzesco

  1. It's been kinda crazy lately ... I've never had an issue with any of Todd's parts. It almost seems like the competition is out to cause him some headaches. I mean his latest video talked about someone complaining about stripped screws and we know for a fact he always checks those before he sends them out. Now this (above) and the complaints about paying in advance for backordering parts (which is SOP for everyone from Midway to SIG to you name it) ... I think Todd gets a bad rap on a lot of this recent stuff.  Just my humble opinion.


    The guy is a M4 affectionado.

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  2. I live in the country and have no plans to head into any big cities should society collapse, so, yes, I'd be living in the woods. I'd be very happy to carry my suppressed Ruger 77/22. It's light, it's cheap to shoot, and extremely quiet. I could pick off unsuspecting bandits/invaders with close-range, silent head shots, as well as put wild game on the table.


    Okay, a suppressed 22 has it's place for game getting, but strictly because it might make it more difficult for someone to zero in on your position after firing.


    But come onnnn - give me a break. Shooting unsuspecting bandits/invaders with close range, silent head shots? You're kidding right?




    Don't be silly. If, and this is a big IF because I never see this happening in this country, but if that were to happen and if you were to run-up on more men than you have, well trained, well armed and well motivated men, you should just get your stuff together and un@$$ the AO and forget about them if all you are armed with is a suppressed 10/22, trust me. E&E out of there as fast and you can, pop smoke and get. Seriously. I've been there. You have no idea what you are typing when you type something like that. It's just silly.

  3. Or this might be pretty dang cool on my M4 ....




    Or the one I really like is the Black Reaper ...




    What do you think men? If it was yours, what would you do? I'm ready to pull the trigger on a change or either I am going to have to start shopping for a preowned to do ... but I'll probably never be real happy with the desert camo.


    How that went down was, my wife called my buddy who owns a gun shop - we're close. It was during the whole Obama scare, and rightfully so, everything was scarce and high dollar. So he calls me and plays the "what if" game with me about which one should he order to put on the rack in his shop. Now remember, this was when there were very few to be had and the desert camo was absolutely bringing two grand a pop. So I said to him, if it were me and I could get them wholesale for the same price, I'd rack the camo version because they are bringing top dollar and the profit margin would be higher.


    He takes that as that is the one I would prefer. She buys it, sneaks it in the house and gives it to me on my 50th birthday. She does that with guns all the time and I love her for it but I've got quite a few Franklin Mint type collectibles, especially commemorative leverguns and commemorative 1911s, etc, doing it that way but I am more into the shooters that I can go out and bang up or whatever.


    So I want to turn this into something that is tacticool, so-to-speak, but still feels original enough for her to understand that it is still the one she gave me ... something special.


    Does that make sense.


    Check out those four patterns and give me some feedback. Or even check out all the patterns over at http://www.watertransferprinting.com/Films.html and see if there is anything better that just screams that it needs to go on a M4. Once I do it, once I choose, I'll post the finished pics.

  4. I've heard the Robar finish is the bomb. Just saw a couple of pistols this past weekend that a bud had who had them Robar'd. Seems like they are out of Ohio somewhere I remember him telling me maybe? He'll probably be able to point me in the right direction. But his were all one color. Do they do cammo patterns?


    I've looked into Lauer Duracoat finishes and given them some consideration - but if I knew I could send it off and get it done right to have a one of a kind, I'd probably be willing to justify that with the Mrs. without hurting her feelings.


    Robar huh? Their website, robarguns.com, is not popping up for me for some reason. Did I hear something about them being in financial trouble this past weekend as well? Come to think of it, I may have. Something to do with a problem with the patent perhaps?


    I was thinking about something by TWN in carbon fiber maybe, like this:




    Or maybe this would look good and still be very functional. I want to be frickin' invisible.



  5. It hasn't worn off mine in the least. I wish it would almost - it would give me a reason.


    My wife bought it for me for my birthday a couple of years ago and I have shot the heck out of the thing on the back forty - but I'd like to go a bit more tacticool. The desert camo almost glows at night it seems.


    The tube extensions are available in desert camo - I've already installed one not show in that picture but it matches perfectly. But I am looking to put a C-Stock on it if it'll work and maybe do a good OD Green/Gray/Black digital pattern of some sort.


    I'll have some explaining to do with the wifey if I do though ... been thinking about just picking up another M4 pre-owned in black to avoid the hassle but at the same time I keep saying to myself, why not just convert this one.


    I'm still not completely sure which M4s will accept C-Stocks and which ones will not.

  6. .... would you paint over it?


    I've grown sort of tired of the desert camo pattern on my M4. I hate to change it but - just wondering, anyone else ever done it?


    I've never seen a custom painted M4 for some reason - thinking it might be sacrilege or something. Especially the desert camo models.


    Any feedback? I'm anxious to read your thoughts on the idea.


    I guess my other question would be, are there any issues with painting over the factory desert camo finish in terms of doable?


    The thought of changing the original factory color does make me a little uneasy - people keep telling me the desert cammies are collectables - I have a hard time comprehending that as fact.




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