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Posts posted by Reggio

  1. Hi folks,


    I am contemplating the possibility of buying either the Montelfaltro 20 ga or the Ultra Light 12 ga. (with a 24" bbl)


    I want to use either one as an "all-purpose' gun, i.e., upland game, turkey, deer, and even some waterfowl. Am I stretching it a bit if I were to utilize either one as an all-purpose shotgun?


    Which one would you choose for this purpose?


    Thank you kindly in advance.





  2. Yeah, what I mean is it's one thing to shoot at targets where you have all the time in the world to mount your gun before calling "pull", its quite another thing to bring your gun up quickly for a bird that you have a very short time to shoot at. So if when you bring your gun up quickly and you aren't lined up as you would normally shoot you might miss.


    Try this: stand with your shotgun as you would have it when you think the grouse are close but haven't seen one fly. Pick an object in front of you, close your eyes and bring your gun up like you want to shoot it as quickly as you can. When you open your eyes you should have the right sight picture and be reasonably close to your object. If you aren't then you might have to work on it until your pull up and point motion becomes smooth.


    Interesting.. I will give this a try... What about also trying with clays but have your clay partner decide when/where to launch? Perhaps even set up so that the clays are launched into and between trees/shrubs, etc...

  3. Did you ever end up patterning your gun? You should also be practicing having your gun in a low carry position and snapping it up to shoot quickly and accurately. If you are misaligning your gun on the draw it doesn't really matter what choke you have in it because the gun isn't shooting where you think it is at that point anyway.


    I have patterned it... can you explain the "misaligning" comment please?

  4. OK so you have a nova. This means that you have just the standard (mobile) choke set based on this site here:




    So if you are ever looking at chokes make sure it says they fit the Benelli/Beretta mobile choke system.


    I would recommend either:

    Carlson's - http://www.choketube.com

    Briley - http://www.briley.com

    Trulock - http://www.trulockchokes.com


    Now I think IC should be good enough for your purposes, but if you want to buy a new choke REALLY badly you could go SKEET (.005) as Unobtanium suggested, or my preference CYLINDER (.000).


    Did you ever end up patterning your gun? You should also be practicing having your gun in a low carry position and snapping it up to shoot quickly and accurately. If you are misaligning your gun on the draw it doesn't really matter what choke you have in it because the gun isn't shooting where you think it is at that point anyway.


    It's good to hear that you are having fun, keep at it. :)



    So is the item # 16611 the one I should go with?




    They seem well priced compared to the others..



  5. I guess I missed that in the owners manual.. need to check again


    I looked at that link. Somewhat confusing.... I am still not sure which choke to order...


    I suppose IC will do for now... Only reason I ask is b/c the grouse have all been close range and I missed the 3 that I shot at.. the others that were flushed I didn't even have a chance at a good shot.. lots of heavy cover plus my inexperience is making this very challenging but lots of fun!


    thanks for the info.

  6. Hey guys,


    I've gone out on two grouse hunting trips - what a challenge! Very quick birds and nearly impossible to hit in tight (thick) cover... I gave been using the IC choke that came with my gun (Nova pump). I have read that a wide pattern is best for thick cover and quick,adept birds, like grouse.. Can I remove my choke altogether in order to achieve an even wider pattern or is this not advisable?


    I m using 7 1/2 shot (2 3/4)



  7. I haven't taken apart a SN for a while but aren't the pins different lengths, if so I doubt it's part of the problem. Also when I first took my own SNT's apart everything fit very, very snug be it the mag. cap or trigger group pins. After 20 or so cleanings and 3,000+ rounds the trigger group pins pretty much came out on there own.



    1- Ditch the "t i t t y" mag. cap and use a M4's, the damage it does when the pin breaks loose isn't worth the simplicity.


    2- Use a punch to remove the trigger group pins.


    In your case the damage has been done but it was most likely due to the "t i t t y" cap smashing into your camo.



    What do you mean by #1? The damage? can u explain please?

  8. Nevermind I reread your post. You cleaned twice. Did you put the right pin back in the right hole. There is 2 pins and even though each go into each others holes, they shouldn't be interchanges. Did you have this problem the first to times you cleaned it?


    Yes, I did have the problem the very first time so I didn't put it into the wrong hole... It's defected.. nothing should be that difficukt.. It almost had to be hammered in


    I am taking it back first chance I get this week...

  9. How many rounds have you been shooting? I can undersand you wanting to clean your gun, but I don't think you need to clean it as often as you may be doing now. :(


    I will clean mine after 75 to 100 rounds unless I have mud or lots of water from rain. I'm not worried as the cammo protects toe outer and I have plentyfull lubing on the inside.




    it was filthy


    trudge through swamp, bush, etc.. fell at least two times.. gun was in mud, etc.. it rained here all weekend


    either way, it doesn't make a difference.. had i put the cleaning off, it still would have been a sticky pin

  10. Pliars apparently.


    NO I didn't use pliers... I used the magazine tube cap.. that's what the instructions say to use...


    The pin was sticking out half way.. I tried for 10 mins to get it out... it woudn't come out.. so I pulled it out with pliers


    Either way, it SHOULDN'T be that difficult to take out..

  11. Lots of Benellis with chipped camo. Rarely do I see a camo one in the store without chips. Seems to be the nature of the beast.


    It chipped because I had to force the pin out, as I stated... the pin is the big problem. I am 200lb + and I work out. I am a pretty fit guy... I have to put almost my entire weight into the magazine tube cap (whihc btw, is wearing out too now...)


    within a year, that entire area will be worn out, chipped.. the pin heads will erode on my as I an forced to pull it out with pliers.


    has anyone else encountered this problem????

  12. Lots of Benellis with chipped camo. Rarely do I see a camo one in the store without chips. Seems to be the nature of the beast.


    It chipped because I had to force the pin out, as I stated... the pin is the big problem. I am 200lb + and I work out. I am a pretty fit guy... I have to put almost my entire weight into the magazine tube cap (whihc btw, is wearing out too now...)


    within a year, that entire area will be worn out, chipped.. the pin heads will erode on my as I an forced to pull it out with pliers.

  13. Hi guys,


    For those of you following my posts, you'd know that I just bought a Nova Pump. I believe the trigger guard is defected and I am pretty peeved b/c I've chipped my camo on my Max 4 while trying to dislodge the pin. I've cleaned the gun twice, each time removing the trigger assembly as per instruction. It seems like the pin cannot get through hole w/o an incredible amount of force applied on my part. Now before people suggest that I've put the wrong pin into the wrong hole, I double a d triple checked it. It is the correct hole (the pin hole closer to the barrel) The pin/hole behind the trigger is fine.


    Anyhow, the camo paint is now chipped (1/4 inch) and it will only get worse every time I clean it...which is frequently. Additionally, the pin head is badly scuffed... I had to force it out with a set of pliers.. either that or leave the gun filthy (it rained during yesterdays hunt and I got the gun pretty dirty trudging through thick woods.)


    Needless to say, I am more than pissed about this - it's my first gun and I spent a lot of money on it... I take pride in the things I own, especially when they're supposed to be high quality...



    I want this repaired and if it means a new gun so be it.. but the camo paint is just gonna get worse and those pins are gonna be shot in a year from now..


    any suggestions?



  14. 1. Pattern your gun. This means setting up some large paper/cardboard and putting a dot on it. Back up the distance you feel like you are shooting from (ie if you shoot at rabbits that are about 20 yards away back up 20 yards from your paper). Aim the gun like you are trying to hit the dot you drew and fire. See where your shot went. Repeat until satisfied.


    Poke around this site it is a bit more eloquent than I am: http://www.fieldandclays.com/expert_chokes.htm


    2. Shooting at hand thrown targets means you are probably shooting when they are still pretty close (20ish yards), so to me you should loosen your choke. Go with something like Improved Cylinder or Cylinder if you have them. To me it is better to start with a big pattern and work tighter as you become more familiar with the gun, and it is less discouraging if you hit more often.


    3. Learn to lead. If you shoot right at a moving target you will miss. Even at 1200fps shot takes an awful long time to get anywhere. You need to aim a bit in front of your target so that the shot and target will occupy the same point in space sometime in the future. In the game of skeet you have to aim as much as 1-2 feet in front of the targets in order to hit them, or else your shot will not be fast enough to catch the target.


    Here is another more eloquent explanation with pictures: http://www.hunter-ed.com/mi/course/ch3_leading_the_target.htm


    Don't worry you'll get it, just figure out where/how your gun shoots how to lead your target and put some more rounds through your gun :)


    Excellent suggestions! Thanks.. I do have an IC choke...


    Doesn't help that one of the guys poked fun at me! It can get discouraging!! lol!


    Will try the lead too..

  15. Pattern your weapon.


    Can you elaborate.. u mean set up a target to see how my shot pattern is?


    I suspect that it was too narrow.. but the others were tying my gun and had better sucess


    I had a modified choke..

  16. So we went out today and messed around a bit looking for some hares and/or grouse..




    toward the end of the outing, we decided to launch some clays and I sucked really bad.. only hit one out of 18 or 20.. they were hand launched... I'm am a little discouraged after that.. how can I improve my shooting? What might I be doing wrong?


    I was shooting 2 3/4" 7.5... keep in mind I am very new to the sport of hunting...


    any help would be greatly appreciated..



  17. You can put the limbsaver and you can also install a mercury recoil reducer. This is why most of us here suggested you buy the SuperNova with the comfortech stock. :cool:


    too late now, eh!


    fact is I'm already $100 over budget... had to draw the line somewhere..

  18. Hey guys,


    Just bought my first gun, and first Benelli (Nova Pump)


    I think I need to invest in recoil reduction. I shot a few 3.5" and I'm bruised and sore!


    Anyone heard of the Limbsaver? They have one that fits a Benelli

  19. Congrats. on the Federal Permit and the Nova!! We don't really know what you are going to hunt, so recommending ammo will be a little tough. I do know that it will shoot anything you run through it. Good luck with the shotgun, and welcome to the world of Benelli.. Mike


    Rabbit and Grouse this weekend and for the balance of the season... maybe whatever is left of waterfowl up here... (geese?)


    Spring - turkey...


    Next fall - deer


    So for now, small game/upland stuff... maybe fowl


    But I wouldn't mind trying some magnum stuff to see what it feels like...


    i'm also thinking of coyote.. buckshot?

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