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  1. OK....working out those things that impact reliability in relation to desired equipment and loads. I would like to add a 6 round shell carrier, any recommendations? Do/don't... if yes, what type; velcro cards, fixed aluminum or poly?
  2. Thanks Stranger...being aware that technique matters for the inertia, I included a description of what I'm doing. This is likely somewhat subjective based on the shooter. I'm 5'10, 180 with good upper body strength so I guess a better descriptor would be that I'm not "tensed up" while still having the gun firmly braced in my shoulder and leaning slightly in. New to shotguns and trying to learn and share my real-world application after doing some homework. Also wanted to add that the above loads are 3 dram 1 ounce. I'm trying to set a baseline for reliability with an HD round that reduces overpenetration risks to some extent and allows me to add a carrier to the receiver.
  3. I have a new M2 tactical. Upgrades: Extended carrier, TT bolt release button and follower, FFT duplicate replacement forend (follower and forend are my 922r parts), GG&G combo sling and light mount with Streamlight TRL-1, Carlson's crio plus cylinder breecher muzzle brake (no teeth), Dave's Metal Works extension for 7+1, and a Nordic components barrel/extension clamp. I'm left-handed and this is a right hander but the throw in front doesn't phase me a bit. I put in the appropriate drop and cast plates for a LH shooter. Put the first 50 rounds through it; 25 Remington Low Recoil LE 00 8 pellet buck at 1200fps and 25 Rio Royal Low recoil 00 9 pellet buck, also 1200. No heavy load "break-in" obviously and not a single issue with cycling. Throwing hulls about 2 feet. Prior to firing I broke it down and thoroughly cleaned everything with Hoppes 9 and then went back in for light oiling on trigger group and bolt rails as supplied by Benelli and oiled barrel swab followed by dry patch. Even with the brake and stock recoil spring it runs flawlessly so far and with the above loads is grouping at about 4-6 inches at 30 feet with the cylinder brake, with an occasional 7-8 inch flyer. Rio Royal is longer than the listed 2.75 and so can't fit more than 6 in the tube (just a note for info). Slightly wider spread. With the brake and Comfortech the recoil is mild for either round. I had been concerned that the combo brake and low recoil might cause issues but none so far. I would like to try an even lower velocity round into the 950-1100 range just to see how low it can go and reliably cycle. I also purchased the TT low power recoil spring but have not installed it yet. I am not exerting a great deal of pull into my shoulder, just a firm mount and I'm not fighting the recoil. With the brake there is very little rise and it's easy to quickly regain sight. Based on my initial experience I see no reason why the 1150 won't work and if there are issues, perhaps a spring change would fix that if you're set on using the low fps stuff.
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