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SBEII ejection and double feed prolems


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i have a lefthanded sbe2 and it seemed to work ok with 1400 fps shells and after a box of remington hypersonic #2s it really went to **** in a hand basket and now it has issuse with any type shell.... this is my second SBEII from them and the first one did the same thing.. last fall i had to take the gun completely apart in the swamp to unjam it several times......has eneyone had this problem?????? and i am far from a novice with firearms

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could you be more specific about the problem? were the hypersonic's 3 or 3.5"? Almost all double feeding/ejection issues on an SBE are recoil spring related. that is the spring in the stock. take the stock off, and flush the tube out (by depressing the plunger at the back of the reciever and spraying into the hole) with gun scrubber, then when it dries saturate the inside of the tube with a good oil like break free. any extra will just run out the bottom of the tube. if that doesnt fix it send it back to benelli, they will make it right. its possible you may have bent up the ejector with those hypersonics. those shells are nasty, Benelli's typically handle them (the only gun that really can) but things happen.

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