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Shooting the cheap loads, Benelli > Remington


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I own both a Remington 1187 SP (30",26" VR and 21" cantilever) and a Benelli Montefeltro (28" and 24" VR). Owned the the 1187 since early '90's and the Monte for about a month. The Monte is a 1996 model bought used, exc condition but it has been shot approx 1000rds previous. Previously owned by a hunter, not a sport shooter.


Both guns are spotlessly clean when I go to the clays range.

So far the 1187 will not cycle Win Universal or Federal Estate reliably. It is ok with the 25 rds of Rem Gun Club I tried yesterday but it was on a trap field and was tossing empties well. Not sure if it will feed doubles reliably. The Universal and Estate just will not consistantly cycle/eject from the Rem. O-ring is perfect, mag tube rem-oiled, recoil tube cleaned last month. IT reuns great with "Game Loads" or Upland loads or of course slugs, just pukes these light target loads.


So far the Montefeltro has eaten Universal, Estate, Gun club, some 20yr old reloads my Grandpa made with Red-dot and card wads, equally old Win AA skeet loads, 1oz #8 3dram Win loads with a JC Penny price tag on them (been decades since they stopped selling sporting goods) and more. 750 rds through with many of questionable pedigree and it has yet to not cycle perfectly.


Benelli's are not new to me, this is my 5th, but this ability to deliver is new. It has a bit more shove than the gas gun but weighs a full 1.5lbs less too. 200rds yesterday through the Monte, 50 through the 1187, no bruising or recoil effect.


The 1187 is my slug-chucker supreme (1.25" ctc 100 yds, Brennekke) so it is't going anywhere but I may be taking it out for clays less from now on.


Got a heck of a deal on the Monte, realizing that more now that it can work with budget loads so well.


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