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firing spring pin help


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I lost the firing pin spring off my new m2 when I was cleaning it. It shot accross the table when I took it out. I found it and then I found another almost like it. It is the spring that encircles the firing pin. One is silver and is 2 1/2 inches long. the other is black and is 2 3/4 inches long. witch one is it? I think one of them must have come off a pen or something and was just laying on the work bench. can anyone help. I will try to enclose a picture.


thanks jevd


I cant seem to put the image on here.

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If all else fails, try the weaker of the two. If I understand the design correctly, (I have an M4, which might be different) the firing pin spring only has to hold the pin off of the primer until the hammer strikes it. It doesn't really play a role in the firing sequence otherwise. Using the weaker one will allow less resistance to the firing pin when the hammer strikes it.

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