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Supernove Tactical Magazine


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I recently purchased a SN Tactical 12 ga. The manual says the magazine will hold up to 4 - 2 3/4 shells. I can insert 2. When I try to insert the 3rd, it only goes in part way. I don't want to force it. Any thoughts?


PS: I'm a total novice. Other than a basic shotgunning course using a Remington 1100 12 ga (100+rounds fired), I don't know anything. I'm using 12 ga snapcaps in the Benelli (A-Zoom) for practice.





I found the answer in of all places the manual! When the gun is shipped limited to hold only 2 shells to comply w/the federal migratory game regulation. Benelli provides instructions to remove the limiting rod.

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You have to remove the plug in the magazine. Look in the user manual but if I remember correctly it's as easy as screwing the end cap off of the magazine, using needle nose pliers to pull the metal piece out (be careful because it's under tension from the mag spring.) Remove the red piece of plastic then re-assemble. voila! 4+1 :)

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