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New Benelli SBE II Owner with a LOP Question


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Hey guys! I just picked up my first Benelli today: An SBE II Max 4 with a 26" barrel. I am 5'7" tall and believe I will have to shorten the LOP. It feels fine with my tee shirt but, when I am covered with a Drake parka and waders...


Anyway, I know I can order the shorter pad and reduce LOP by 3/8". However, how can I shorten it more if that is not enough?


Finally, how can I tell whether I need cast or not? Can I leave out a spacer to shorten LOP?


Thanks in Advance!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are actually two pads that are shorter than the one supplied. I think the supplied one is 14 3/8". There is a 14" and a 13 1/2" LOP pad available. I have a LH SBE II and own both shorter pads. I'm 5'8" and I doubt you'd need a LOP shorter than 13 1/2". I too shoot ducks/ geese in N. IL, and even when I'm bundled up, the LOP is good. There aren't any shims you can delete to make LOP shorter, only ones to change the drop of the stock. Finally, I'm sure that with enough ingenuity, time and maybe money, you could shorten the stock further, but that's beyond my scope.


You're gun is probably cast as you have it now. Look down the gun the wrong way (eye near the choke tube) and you will probably see that the rear of the stock (where the recoil pad is) is offset to one side. That's the cast your gun has. "Cast on" or "cast off" refers to cast designed for a RH or LH shooter. I forget which is which. Cast should bring the mounted gun more towards the centerline of your body, in theory making it easier to look down the centerline of the rib. Ultimately, I think only you or a qualified gun-fitter can tell whether you need cast.



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