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Everything posted by M1014

  1. your lookin in the wrong direction as usual ,,little skeeterSON
  2. M1014

    the hot ticket

  3. M1014

    the hot ticket

  4. too bad my pupils are so rebellious,,one day they will see the light,,you are my little grasshoppers,,who would've never known if it wasn't for me.
  5. now I have a limited edition brother,,his is all shiny and new,,and mine is still shiny and new,but----------fired,,just don't tell anybody ya''ll,,,again congrats to texas skeeter peter eater,,
  6. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=164811594
  7. I fear my benelli brothers carlessness,,Iwish it not,,
  8. don't fold like a cheap knife now,,,,throwing in the towel,,your at the threshold,,just walk through.
  9. bottom line,,if you got the dough,,,,whether you like the gun or not,,could go to a spiteful buyer or a good home,,its the money in your pocket ,not the present economy,,if want a base value figure on the gun ,,,the gun value book is a good place to start,,its what your willing to pay,,maybe 1950,,or 5gs we'll see.
  10. gotta keep ya on your toes my brother,eye on the prize ,,focused,,hungry,,,out of all the people thats truly intrested,,I proclaim that I'd like to see YOU GET IT,,
  11. your heart isn't in it,,you really don't care either way,,so when it goes over 1950 oh well or your bsingggggggggg
  12. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=164811594
  13. yeah hookster,,thats what I meant,,,having an sbe breakdown,,meds failling,,auction ending in alittle over 24hrs,,she's gonna climb late tonight early tommorow,,people getting payed finalizing there investors before the big d-day saturday ,,,ya know guys like tucker,,hey hooky get in on it,,then we can tease you know whoooooooooooooo
  14. hey man i'm knee deep in grenade pins,,send help!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. M1014


    it broke a grand
  16. M1014


  17. you guys who listen to duggan the know nothin will get those gaudy overpriced buttons
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