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Posts posted by Super33

  1. Same. But add a 4 days from order to ship notification in my case. Think I ordered about a week after KB. If it's a big deal, call and see what the availability currently happens to be. They sell a good piece of gear.


    I ordered 2 days ago and I still haven't gotten a shipping email yet. I'm not in that big of a hurry, I can wait. I just hate waiting, that's all. :cool:

  2. Just wondering, why on Earth is the C Stock considered to be 2 imported pieces when you cannot buy one piece or the other by itself and it is comprised of ONE part number? It's a collapsible stock, the two pieces go hand in hand with eachother. Who is the IDIOT that makes these STUPID laws? It sounds like something some 12 year old kid came up with in his tree fort! How is anybody supposed to take the government seriously with laws like this? :confused:

  3. Hate to say it but I don't think those are zombies. Looks like ET's cousin's really. These are zombies.




    So I shot 8 E.T.s? I was wondering why they weren't coming after me, they were just standing there staring at me until the first shot was fired, then they began wandering around aimlessly like they didn't know what the **** was going on, it was pretty freaky. But they were in fact trespassing and they must've seen the signs.

  4. You're lucky you had that extra gear! I normally sleep in full riot gear, riot shield and all. But it was in the laundry at the time. I still would've been short on ammo though so I guess it really doesn't matter. I'm sick of these zombies coming in here at night and doing that strange stuff to me and its got to stop!

  5. If you're looking for nice tight groupings at 100 yards maybe you should look into a gun with a longer barrel. The M4 with it's 18" barrel isn't exactly designed as a sniper rifle. Other than that, you can probably tighten up your 25 and 50 yard groupings with practice and keep notes on what slugs work best in your gun. But all the practice in the world won't guarantee a bullseye at 100 yards with that gun.

  6. Heard a noise last night deep in the yard by the big oak tree back by the woods. I took the Benelli with me to go investigate and what do I find? 11 zombies. I only had 7+1 on me at the time cause I was in my underwear and had no pockets. There were still 3 zombies when I started back to the house. When I got inside I placed the order for the sidearmor M4 mod 2 rail with 6 shell holder. When I get it I'll put it on and I'll go back for those 3 zombies. Those 3 zombies will probably turn into 10 by the time I'm back out there so maybe now I'll be able to finish the job.

  7. this was the first one that poped up with search.

    I have the camo version M17017 or what ever code but I can only get my Cstock to be full length or closed all the way. I thought there was a middle position?

    Is it on wrong?


    Sounds like you just have to find that sweet spot in the middle. There's 2 notches in the middle, one is to hold the stock in the center position and the other is for installing/uninstalling the stock. There's also 2 lines (rings) going around your tube. Line up the front of the stock with the rear line to install/uninstall the stock. Line up the front of the stock with the forward line for the center collapsed position. I hope this solves it.

  8. 5+1 means 5 in the tube + 1 in the chamber. 5+1+1 is 5 in the tube, 1 in the chamber, and one on the rail. However you say it, that first number is the total number you can fit in your magazine. My M4 will hold 7+1+1 of 2 3/4" shells. When I had the dummy extension it would only hold 5+1+1. Obviously using 3" shells will reduce those numbers.


    Pay close attention to the shell length. You should be able to fit seven 2 3/4" shells in that tube. Some 2 3/4" shells are actually slightly longer than that and you'll only be able to fit six in there. Are you loading 3" shells? With my full length mag tube I can fit seven and that last one juuuuuuuust fits in there. If I use Royal low recoil OO buck I can only fit 6 even though they're 2 3/4" shells, they're maybe 1/16th of an inch longer than regular 2 3/4" shells but that's enough to keep that seventh shell from joining the party.

  9. It originally came with a standard pistol grip but it had to go. I bought the gun from a local dealer called G.A.T. Guns. I walked in to buy a Mossberg 590A1 and walked out with a Benelli M4. It was on sale and I couldn't resist. No regrets whatsoever.

  10. That's one thing my dog is good at, he has a fierce, snarling, deep, ripping bark when somebody's outside or when somebody knocks on the door. He usually scares the crap out of people but when I let that person in the tail starts wagging and he's all hugs and kisses. Not exactly sure what he'd do if somebody he doesn't know just walked in the house, nobody tried it yet.

  11. waiting for Cstock tomorrow and kips tube when ever he ships it? then I am gonna do it all at 1 time and find what works best.


    You're gonna be carrying that thing around with you like a kid with a teddybear when you're finished.:D

  12. F that my dog is like my kid I want her to bark and that is it. i will do the rest. If someone has to take the pain in my house it will be me not my dog or my kids the wife ya maybe but no one else,lol.


    Post a pic of your wife then..... :D


    Seriously though my dog sleeps in my room and is alert to strange noises and what not like most other dogs, if there's any suspicion in the night hours it's not my dog checking the house and I'd like to keep it that way. He stays behind where my family is.

  13. Your 'first line of *defense*' is subject to being breached in under a second. lol


    Here's a thought: get another dog to work with that one and double the length of time your 'first line of *defense*' remains viable.


    FWIW I rely on protection dogs myself, but I comprehend their limitations. And yes, I DO expect my dog to be a 'hero' by charging into the fight at WOT without any hesitation, and I fully appreciate the consequences.


    What are you a robot? Instead of your computer generated analysis why don't you post some pictures of your dogs? :cool: Or post a funny sign like those other fellas.. :)

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