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Posts posted by Super33

  1. I'm still unsure of your little adventure through this thread. The whole "breaking in" thing was brought up by... not the OP. He simply said he's a new M4 owner and was asking about ammo for his gun "BASED ON USER'S EXPERIENCE". I said my 2 cents about cheap ammo. You said yourself that it is useful information to know... You came back with your manuals and what the gun was built for... and I came back with my experience with the OP's type of gun and some information on specific ammo that I have and use for shooting clays. This is a forum and it's about sharing information. I have something to say and yes, based on my experience (which I pointed out) MY M4 WILL in fact fire anything that I put through it. In my experience the shooters position of the gun and stance DOES make a difference with those light loads (which you clearly pointed out the gun is not designed for, thank you so much). I agree with you 100% that a new gun should be broken in with heavy hitting loads. I've said what I wanted to say and I hope the OP can take from it what he wants. It's just too bad for you that I crossed your boundaries of what you find acceptable to this topic that was not started by you.


    It clouds the waters when this should be a fairly straight forward answer to the question "What will not work reliably in my M4?" If it's designed for a specific pressure, use rounds with that pressure or higher. Simple.


    Let me answer that.... EVERYTHING will work reliably in my M4. A shooter's knowledge of his weapon is a great thing. What a wonderful place the Benelli forum is as a source of information.... take from the forums what you want, look past what you choose you don't want and move along.

  2. I never said the military should use birdshot or target loads. I do remember saying that an M4 will fire what it was designed to fire, good thing for the Marines. You can interpret what I said however you want, whatever floats your boat. I am not suggesting that anybody breaks in their M4, or any shotgun for that matter, with weak loads. All I was saying was the possible reasoning behind any malfunction from firing weak ammo. FROM MY EXPERIENCE. That is all. YUP, I have a high end shotgun and YUP, I sometimes use it for skeet and FUN. I won't anytime soon be using OO buckshot for shooting clays so WALMART here I come!! :)

  3. I'm aware of what the gun was designed to shoot. And it shoots those loads reliably. As to what rounds to avoid using? Well, I'm just posting what I know, and I know that with MY M4 and with MY experience the misfiring from MY M4 was due to what I mentioned above. If the OP wants to listen to my input than that's great, if not... that's fine by me too. Like anybody else on this forum I can chime in and say what I want to say. My post was based on my experience with the M4, my post was an explanation that with MY M4 it WILL in fact fire loads that it wasn't intentionally designed to shoot but the gun does have to be held correctly, it's really as simple as that, nothing absurd about it. IMO not a reason to not buy that ammo for some good cheap weekend shooting. Everybody here is entitled to their opinions.

  4. LOL If you say so. Then you tell me why when I'm messing around and firing target loads from the hip I'll get the occasional misfire. And yet when I'm shooting from a correct stance there are zero misfires. I can feel that bolt not go all the way back when the gun fails to completely cycle. That is because the gun is being pushed back along with the bolt, since the shot is weak enough to not give that bolt enough force to cycle back completely when the gun is also jolted back due to nothing being behind it I could call that shooter error. A stronger shot like OO buck or similar will cycle the gun every time no matter how it's held, but there is a line to be drawn where shooter error can cause a malfunction when selecting different, weaker strengths of ammo.

    Your post sounded wonderful, but common sense, physics and experience says otherwise. Also, if your statement is true, then why have there been posts on this board in the past from people claiming their M4s won't consistently cycle birdshot or target loads while others chime in and say their exact same M4s will. There are different factors involved here other than the pistons themselves. It's not as cut and dry as your post suggests.

  5. You Bet. A lot of people have a poor stance with a shotgun. They tend to balance the weight of the gun with their body and lean back a bit. The gun is up against their shoulder/arm rather than on their shoulder/chest. So when they fire a lighter load through their semi-auto it's recoil is absorbed by the shooter's body and the bolt doesn't get a chance to go all the way back like it should, causing malfunctions. The Shooter usually has a tendency to blame the gun or ammo for this problem rather than look at shooter error. By placing the butt of the gun firmly and squarely in the pocket of the shoulder near the chest and by leaning into the gun, (nose over toes) with a steady firm stance the entire recoil is absorbed into the action of the gun, pushing the bolt back and giving the gun a chance to cycle properly. I was guilty of this when I first started shooting and I blamed the gun. I lubed it up real good and it kept happening. A bit of research corrected my ways and I haven't had a single malfunction since.

  6. Remember to stand behind your gun. Having a poor stance, more often than not, is the cause of failures with the walmart ammo. Not the gun. When I'm shooting skeet my M4 never fails me with that walmart stuff. But when a buddy wants to try the M4 (can't blame him) the gun sometimes will fail to reload and it's the shooters failure to stand behind the gun every time. You need to be solid behind the gun. If your M4 is giving you problems reloading, your stance should be the first thing you look at.

  7. If you live in California and you would like to do something to make your gun more comfortable than... NO you can't do it. If you'd like to use your common sense in California regarding guns and gun ownership then you're gonna find yourself in some trouble in the near future. In regards to guns and California, whatever puts a smile on your face is illegal and dangerous to the public, no matter what that may be. If you're in California and you ask yourself, "WTF?" than it is probably true.

  8. Thanks a lot! You really helped me out and it's greatly appreciated. This forum is the best when it comes to its members. I'm going shooting today, I'll let you know how things turn out.

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