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Cleaning and maintaining a SuperNova


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Hello all,


I recieved a Super Nova tactical for Christmas and it is my first personally owned shotgun. I have used shotguns extensively at work, but I have never been responsible for maintaining a shotgun before and I would like your advise on your cleaning/lubricating/maintaining routine. Specifically, what do you clean every time you shoot, other than the barrel? How often do you detail strip your shotgun? Where and how much do you lubricate your shotgun?


Any advise you could share would be greatly appreciated.





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When I shoot my Nova's I strip the gun. The barrel,trigger assembly,bolt,forearm,and firing pin come out everytime. Everything is wiped free and relubed. (Nova's are easy to do so.)


But thats just me.


How much lube do you use? Is there any place in particular that needs heavier lube? Any place where I should not lube at all?

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