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Benelli Turkey Choke


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I bought a Super Black Eagle II last night. I also have a Vinci which I had been hunting turkey with. When I bought the Vinci, I ordered a Benelli choke tube. It seemed to pattern ok.


Here is my question....I believe the Benelli tube should work for my SBE II, but should I continue to use it or buy a new Jelly Head or something else? Since I have your attention, anyone use a special optic with their SBE II?


Thanks in advance.

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I spent a few hours on the internet researching and found the choke tube will work. But in my research, I have come up with a couple or additional questions. It seems that many people are using a .660 tube. The Benelli special purpose Turkey tube is a .665. I wouldn't think that would matter within a 40 yard distance. Any thoughts? Is the Hevi choke, jelly head or Indian Creek that much better than the Benelli Turkey tube? As far as shells, I am assuming that I need to run several different brands, and sizes through it to see which has a better pattern, or do anyone you have any experience with this tube?

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