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New Mesa Tactical side shell saddle + RMR mount


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I really liked that setup, but after upgrading my m1014 with all kinds of goodies, I was really sensitive to the weight. And since I can get 9 rounds in the shotgun with the 7rd tube, I didn’t feel it was necessary and used that money for other things.

So I went with the Leupold Deltapoint Pro 6moa. I mounted it right on top of the OEM pic rail. I was a little biased since I used Leupold scopes previously. And I went with what I know. 

I’m happy with the purchase so far!

Thanks, Garza

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It looks okay, but it definitely isn't a scalarworks killer.

The limitations of the shell carrier vis a vis other options such as the Esstac shell cards. The hard point carrier needs to be reloaded per round/shell, and then unloaded...several steps imho that are unnecessary.

The esstac cards can preloaded and then removed or slapped on as necessary.


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14 hours ago, Dkay67 said:

It looks okay, but it definitely isn't a scalarworks killer.

The limitations of the shell carrier vis a vis other options such as the Esstac shell cards. The hard point carrier needs to be reloaded per round/shell, and then unloaded...several steps imho that are unnecessary.

The esstac cards can preloaded and then removed or slapped on as necessary.


I see the benefits of what your saying, the ease of slapping on more rounds (quicker and easier to discard and remove weight, good point)


if I am carrying extra shell cards not on the gun, that means I have something I am carrying that is holding those extra cards!

I gotta debate between this and the shell cards, I want the option for another tube of reloads on the shotgun! A 3rd reload with an extra shell card is appealing.

my concern is attachment method of the shell cards especially on a brand new 11711 np3 benelli

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1 hour ago, brightt said:

I see the benefits of what your saying, the ease of slapping on more rounds (quicker and easier to discard and remove weight, good point)


if I am carrying extra shell cards not on the gun, that means I have something I am carrying that is holding those extra cards!

I gotta debate between this and the shell cards, I want the option for another tube of reloads on the shotgun! A 3rd reload with an extra shell card is appealing.

my concern is attachment method of the shell cards especially on a brand new 11711 np3 benelli

Thing is, with the hard mount, you've got to have a pouch to store the loose extra rounds. That's extra movements - which is crucial time. Imagine doing a load from a bag for each round, or as many as you can hold and manipulate under pressure in a reload situation. 

Another nice thing about the esstac type solutions, is that they will fit in standard AR magazine pouches so you could have one staged on a battle belt, or on a light plate carrier. A pouch of loose shells will just swing, make noise, and could be in the way, or even out of reach when you want to keep eyes on target

Slap one esstac on for a ready to go 6-7 rounds, or manually load 6 or 7 each to the hard points. IMO better efficiency with the esstac. But thats just me

As for the attachment method? Clean the surface of the gun with alcohol prep pad or similar, trim the velcro to fit, including the trigger housing pin to access, and attach the velcro. It stays put. Wont mar the finish of the shotgun, even the cerakote titanium ones.

And if the velcro goes bad, easy peel and reinstall with a new pad.


Hope that's helpful

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6 hours ago, Dkay67 said:

Thing is, with the hard mount, you've got to have a pouch to store the loose extra rounds. That's extra movements - which is crucial time. Imagine doing a load from a bag for each round, or as many as you can hold and manipulate under pressure in a reload situation. 

Another nice thing about the esstac type solutions, is that they will fit in standard AR magazine pouches so you could have one staged on a battle belt, or on a light plate carrier. A pouch of loose shells will just swing, make noise, and could be in the way, or even out of reach when you want to keep eyes on target

Slap one esstac on for a ready to go 6-7 rounds, or manually load 6 or 7 each to the hard points. IMO better efficiency with the esstac. But thats just me

As for the attachment method? Clean the surface of the gun with alcohol prep pad or similar, trim the velcro to fit, including the trigger housing pin to access, and attach the velcro. It stays put. Wont mar the finish of the shotgun, even the cerakote titanium ones.

And if the velcro goes bad, easy peel and reinstall with a new pad.


Hope that's helpful

totally, I dig it, makes sense to me, I also like the ability to take them off and keep the shotgun thinner / streamlined ! 

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