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Ultralight Availability?


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Ordered an Ultralight, 24", 12ga back in November '07 from a local dealer.


Still don't have the Ultralight and dealer tells me it's an availability issue from Benelli and not his problem.


Tired of waiting and will start checking out other dealers. Wanted to drop a thread here to see if it is a general availability issue or my dealer is blowing smoke.


No attempt to start a flame here - I just think the Ultralight presents a great hunting solution in an auto format and I really want to get one.

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Where are you in Ohio?

My dealer has one in stock. Ever been to Findlay Oh. ?

If you love shotguns it well worth the drive.

They can be scarce but this dealer is a pretty big Benelli dealer.

They have the connections.

Heres a link. Search Benelli from the pull down menu box.

Welcome to the forum.



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They are an awesome dealer IMO and its one of the nicest gun stores I've ever been in and I'm not just saying that because I do some smithing work for them.

Make sure you allow enough time if you make the drive and you love any kind of shotgun and not just the Nelli's as I know you'll be there a while. I can find numerous guns to buy everytime I'm in there. Enjoy, and glad to help.

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