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Posts posted by Renault

  1. My father was a W *** Vet and i respect him very much. That being said I just don't see the connection to them wanting him to follow the rules and making them unpatriotic... or liberal for that matter (Extremely unsubstantiated and i would believe the burden of proof would be on the one making the accusation). Think of it from a legal standpoint if they allow him to raise a flag on a pole, then they would really have to allow everyone else to as well... one time exceptions i don't think usually end up being one time. Someone could argue the same points for raising a flag pole of some other nation or group. and then the HOA would start having to let everyone do it.


    Ask yourself... would you feel the same about this issue if someone raised a Mexican flag on a flagpole in their yard? If you can't seem to have the same amount of zeal to protect this person's rights to speech as the guy raising the American flag then your motives are all mixed up.


    The HOA's issue is not about patriotism it's about stupid legal crap and keeping property value up.

  2. well i'm a 23 year old grad student, my books/tuition took most of my money and my income is via internship so unfortunately i can only put aside so much from each paycheck. i could wait longer and just save up more... but i really want another gun, i guess it's a little shop therapy to ease my stress. If i were to check out the HK's is it just the HK model or the USP that you are suggesting unob? and i'll check out wilson combat as well and dan wesson

  3. thanks for all the feedback everyone. i've shot my friends SW many times and it doesn't seem to have many problems. next time i go to the range i'll try renting an HK .45 and see how it feels. i don't have the largest of hands so one of the things i liked about the single stack 1911's is that it fits my hand's very well, slightly less of a good fit than my CZ which i feel fits my hand like it was part of it.


    as far as aesthetically i think the TRP or Operator really catches my eye, i've once rented a kimber and it shot well, but i have heard many issues about their recent quality. i'll do some actually renting at my local range before i make a decision... but i think i'll narrow it down to the springfield TRP (since springfield is who had a predisposition towards anywho) and checking out an HK


    also if you guys want to PM me the information of someone who could build me a nice custom built for 1250 or less if you could inform me that would be grand. thanks again everyone

  4. Although this is a benelli forums i figure you guys would still have good opinions on choices for other guns. With a budget of around 1250 dollars, what would be your choice of 1911 and why?

  5. Yeah, Our Governor Ah-nold just signed a bill requiring finger-printing on all ammo purchases. This will start in Feb. 2011 and it'll make internet ammo purchases here in CA. a thing of the past. :(




    UGHHHHHHHH, Serious!?

  6. I don't know you, but based on your post here. You're not looking for a real debate... rather you're looking to sling insults at Tucker. "Debate" should be free from so much ad hominem. However, if Tucker has done something that needs to be brought to attention there are ways of stating that without making yourself to look like the asshat (Assuming you are trying to call someone out in a public setting). Since... well to be honest i don't know Tucker or if he has done something that should be brought up.


    (Just in case you missed the point of my post, i'm defending the idea of "debate" not Tucker)


    Hey Tucker, you want a debate or not?


    You treated a new member like an ass then got away with your bs because of a mod.


    You want a debate I would be happy to accomadate.


    You are a tool buddy. Were you the one posting the nude pics of himself also?


    Please accept.


    Not looking at your gay porn or computer virus link.


    If you would care to shoot or spar, that would be great also.


    Plenty of room, trap range in the back yard, gloves & head gear if you want it.


    Clowns like you need some reality.

  7. If everybody on the forums sends me $20 I will suffer the humiliation of being an early adopter. I promise to faithfully report back to everyone with detailed info on its performance or lack thereof. It will be my dirty little secret.


    I looked over a SIG556 this weekend at the gun store and it fits me really well. Much more natural to hold and fire than the Mini14. Unfortunately, the Mini14 is still the one that fits my budget.


    I want a sig556, but i live in california...

  8. When using statistics it's important to realize that correlation does not always prove causation. I think what Duggan is trying to convey is that the trigger safety itself is not defective. When making a statement like the trigger safety causes accidental shootings, it is going along the same line of logic of "gun's cause killings".


    When you get down to it the gun wouldn't cause the killing it is the person using the gun, just as the safety does not cause accidental shootings, but rather incorrectly handling the gun.


    So if you want proof. you should provide some "data" of an actual malfunction of the trigger safety not data proving human error with a more complex safety system. As it is now your data of "most" accidental shootings is not enough to make such a broad statement as (paraphrased) "Glocks trigger safety is bad, and is at fault for accidental shootings"


    P.S. I don't really like Glocks for anything other reason than i don't find them aesthetically pleasing.

  9. His tubes are definitely worth it. I got to play with my newly modified M4 at the range today, it was glorious.


    also the range had these zombie target papers, so i bought one for fun. That too was glorious.

  10. What did you end up doing to make it happen? (by happen I mean work)




    I feel like an idiot, but pulling the trigger and resetting the shell stop... basically what OhioM4 told me to do. Like he stated it has to be de-cocked for the shell stop to allow the next shell onto the ramp. (i was under the impression that just racking the bolt and releasing it should allow the shells to be chambered, but i was wrong)


    But now I know right? At least i learned, is how i look at this.

  11. Pressing the shell release lever does not eject a round from the magazine on top of the shell elevator? See 6d. If you have a round chambered, when you press the shell elevator, a round should eject from the magazine tube onto the shell elevator.


    Have you tried reinstalling the factory magazine tube to see if the problem continues?


    Have you modified or replaced the bolt release button?


    What method did you use to put the weapon in a vice to remove the magazine tube?


    Rounds are not ejecting from the magazine tube onto the shell elevator because it will not get passed the shell stop. The shell stop is protruding to far out. If i press down on the shell stop with my finger while the bolt is back then a shell will eject from the magazine tube into the elevator.


    I haven't tried reinstalling the factory tube, but by all indications that doesn't seem to be what is causing the problem.


    I have not modified or replaced the bolt release button, but maybe taking off the bolt release button and shell stop and shell stop spring, and seeing if something is wrong with them is probably my next step.


    I used the heat it up for about 2-3 minutes, place between my thighs and twist with my hands method. I used no tools other than gloves with little rubber dots on them, my legs, and a heat gun. It may be far fetched but could i have dripped some locktite behind my shell stop or something? I really don't know it looks like I'm going to have to take apart my m4 to get to the bottom of this.

  12. Yes I've tried manually depressing the shell stop and that does allow shells to be removed from the magazine, but it still will not cycle without me pressing on the shell stop.


    It seems to me that the part where the shell stop curves is protruding too far out. That is why if i press it with my finger the shell will be able to come out of the magazine tube, but for some reason when i pull the bolt back the shells get stuck on the shell stop. (i have tried different shells from different boxes, same thing)

  13. After the shell i loaded into the chamber ejects, the other shells do not leave the tube no matter how many times i pull the handle back. I can't shoot them out or manually eject them because the shell stop is preventing another shell from loading into the chamber. They're just stuck in the tube and i have to remove them by removing them from the tube out the front.

  14. So i replaced my factory tube with kips new tube. This probably has nothing to do with my problem, its just the last thing i did before the problem arose.


    So to test it out i loaded up 1 a shell then 7 in the tube. I was stoked. I began to start ejecting the shells but to my dismay only one shell ejected. So i looked inside and saw that the shells were stuck in the tube. I felt around inside and felt the shell stop, and it was preventing the shells from exiting the tube. (The shell stop is connected to the button you press to release the bolt)


    So now i'm at a loss, what actions should i take to fix this? will i have to replace the release button and shell stop?

  15. Update from Kip (summarized and paraphrased by my) on Ti tube orders:



    Lots of tubes waiting to be painted. They were NOT painted today due to 80% humidity (optimal is less than 70%). They are expected to be painted AND shipped tomorrow. Shipped labels printed before midnight tonight. This is in reference to all April orders.


    Rails are finished except for the contouring of the bottom. A custom tool is being made and Kip needs a day to drive and have it made (it will be made while he waits, he will have it that day). His schedual has thus precluded him from making that trip, but it's coming soon.


    The recoil reducers are done. They are waiting to be anodized. They will be anodized at the same time as the rails will be.


    This is all the information that I have gleaned for public consumption :cool:


    ETA: The reason for the delays on the Ti tubes are related to Kip's dedication to tolerances and his trouble with finding reliably punctual workers to operate his machinery to those standards. I would rather have the tube late than have the tube half-assed. Good call.


    I tingle with excitement at the thought of my tube being shipped soon :D


    ...also i wasn't killed by zombies (yet) because i didn't have my extended mag tube so i can't really be all that mad.

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