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Posts posted by taylaboy

  1. I think you are just gettin yourself riled up HK. Like myself....you have just been stuck in Commiefornia for too long!!! I will meet you on the 10 once they start trying to take our weapons..we can roll into AZ together.

  2. My POI changes after leaving the range sometimes too. Happens after minor mod's, or just because I was doing something different on the weapon. Different cheek weld or eye relief, etc. usually takes me a clip or two to figure out what it is I am doing wrong and adjust back without trying to play with the settings.

  3. I am gonna Plus One Bighat. As a former Marine myself, I know exactly what he means. I dont think he means any harm by trying to give Kip a boot in the ass. Its what Marines do to each other. Some of you guys may take it in a tone that it's not meant to be relayed. I doubt Kip would argue with what Bighat just said either. Carry on Boys, and play nice.

  4. Hey Hookster,


    My buddy got himself the socom16 I was telling you about. he will pick it up next week. I told him to get the gas cylinder wrench, and piston cleaner set from sadlak. My question is: Since the Gas System is a little different on the 16, does the combo tool/gas wrenches still fit the gas plug and cylinder carrier like it does all the standards? dumb question, but I just wanted to make sure I was giving sound advice.


    Hows your hog shootin?

  5. Hookster,


    The Bad T-1 Has a built in "Stock Liner Wrench/Tool"




    The new versions they have now are harder and better than the first Generation. Just keep it on your hit list, it will save you money in the long run from buying other small tool's for those rifles, which is the reason I just caved in and bought it before they were sold out again.

  6. HAHA. Hookster man.....you're worse than ME!! I usually always have something coming in the mail. But nobody is as bad as Skeeter. I am still waiting for that boy to post a picture of a Tank or something he found and is fixing up.


    Get the T1. I wouldnt steer you wrong. The Tool completely takes apart that weapon by itself (almost.) In my opinion, it would be a good investment for you. Fits right in the buttstock too. I understand though: one thing at a time.

  7. Hookster,


    That owners manual is my Bible. Every little problem or mod I have had to fix couldnt have been done without it. Let me know how the Shimming goes, it's pretty straight forward. Just take your time and you will be proud :) BTW, I Got the BAD T1 Armorer and love it. It's worth the money bro, especially now because you have a couple of those rifles. The owner was even cool enough to send me one of their wrenches for free because I bought the tool before he had a chance to email me with a discount code when they got the new ones in. Get one!!

  8. Sorry, I should have clarified why I did it twice now. First time I did it right after I got the rifle. Then I had problems with the weapon and had to send it back to Springfield Armory. They Replaced the Barrel, fixed the head spacing and Ejector for me. They were diligent enough to include the original set of shims when the returned the weapon after fixing it. So, I had to do it again, but because of the new set up, it took a different combo of shims. As far as I know, they dont suffer from wear and tear. But who knows, you may have to adjust it later down the road after lots of firing. You get yours on yet?

  9. Hey Hookster,


    Looks like Tinman pretty much covered it. I will just +1 what he said about getting a good pair of Castle Nut Pliers. Just make sure they are the real strong Anodized kind or apparently they will bend to ****. I have shimmed my system a couple times and All I needed was those, and the Wrench. The Gas System comes off pretty easily, but you may need to tap it a little bit on the back of the Cylinder where the Op Rod connects with a plastic hammer to encourage it to slide off. Otherwise, its pretty easy. I would also suggest checking the tension and ensuring it bites down at the 4-5 O clock position before you put everything else back on. Usually took me two tries each time to find the correct Shim set up. Let me know if you have any questions, but you seem to be on the ball with all of this stuff already.

  10. Hookster........You make me proud buddy!! That looks awesome. How was installation of the Scope Mount? Pretty painless? The Sadlak install looks like a frigging nightmare. Let me know how it shoots for you this weekend. I am sure it will be pleasureable!!

  11. Hookster,


    You have been one busy Bee my friend. You actually have piqued my interest with this US Optic's Scope. Please let me know how well it shoots for you at the different distances. I have a question though, it says the parralex is "Fixed." Could you elaborate a little on your experience adjusting the Mil's at different distances to compensate your point of impact when you have had the chance to play around? I am still up in the air regarding scopes. You got my attention with this thing.


    I was just busting your chops about the Mag's. :D Did the guy who made them give you the option of being able to pull out the spring and making it a 20rd mag if you want? Seems like it would be an easy fix (if we didnt live in Kommifornia.)


    Looking forward to your Range Report.

  12. Some guy posted his M4 with a collapsable stock, and it looks like the barrel is the same length as the foregrips. I have never seen one like this, has anyone else?? Less rounds...but all around, smaller


  13. Skeeter,


    How's your M1A Project going? You should get one of those Scott Duff Owners Manuals for the M14. Best peice of gear I have for this rifle. You will never need another book again (at least on the M14)

  14. M4:


    Is that a Socom you have mounted into that Stock? that looks bad ass.



    Hookster, whats up with the Scope you got? Any details? You keeping that on the 16 and using the Mk4 on the loaded? Nice (cough cough) 20 rd (cough) mags :)

  15. One of the "Must Haves" for me was the Oversized Bolt Release. I think the Majority of the guys on here have them slapped on the M4. There are a few different styles, but I put the GG&G on mine. But like everything in life...its just personal taste!

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