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Cleaning my SBE II


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I beat the heck out of my SBE II during waterfowl season. I clean it regularly because it gets surface rust pretty quickly.


I love the gun but its durability to the elements is not very impressive.


I am worried about the areas that you usually don't clean like the tube and the gas system. Any one ever get into that area to clean and if so,, How did you do it?

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There is no gas system, it is an inertia driven system.


What area are you calling the "tube"?


If your talking about the action spring "tube", you paid $1300+ for the gun, it takes mere minutes to break it all the way down to a sum of its parts and thoroughly clean.


I don't understand why some people won't do a thorough cleaning after every use, but then again, these are the same people who complain when they have a FTF.


I have had one FTF and it was my own fault. I let my SBE II rest on a blind brushed with palm grass, and a piece of it broke off and got down in the trigger group, I had a single shot until the end of the hunt. In 3+ years that is the only failure to fire out of any of my Benelli autos.


For the record, if I fire 1 or 100 rounds, I thoroughly clean the gun I was using, period. Others have routines that work for them, but this is a proven method that I have convinced everyone I hunt with to use during last season, and FTFs have completely gone away.

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I wrote it wrong. I have other gas powered autoloaders. I meant Inertia. I have broken it down completely and cleaned it.


What I meant by "tube" is where my plug is. I don't feel confident that I am getting all of it clean.


I spend a lot of time in the water and this weekend I got home from a morning hunt and already had surface rust appearing from that mornings hunt. I just don't want to miss anything and worry I am missing an area.

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Screw the cap off and gently work the retainer out , be careful the spring will surprise you, and clean it like you would the barrel, except don't use a brush, just a swab or a piece of a towel pushed thru several times with some cleaner on it, the a light coat of oil and a dry swab, reassemble and your done. It's nothing to be afraid of, once you do it and see how easy it is you'll do every time.


I use both the Synthetic based cleaner and oil, and I have never had a problem, no matter how cold, how wet or how long I am out, no FTFs.

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14 Oct. 08


The reason I bought the Franchi I-12 rather then a Benelli gun was the fact that bolt isn't pushed into battery by a plunger but dragged back into battery by a spring around the outside of the magazine tube. If the gun were totally immersed in muck (there is no water where I hunt ducks, only muck) there is no part that cannot be accessed in seconds and easily cleaned.


Like the others, I clean the gun completely whether I fire one shell or a box. If it gets rained on or splashed with the afore mentioned muck, the trigger assembly is remove and the magazine disassembled.



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Yes...That is the part that is chipping off. I cleaned out the Spring and the butt of the gun. I notice a little more wear in that area every time I use the gun.


Purely cosmetic in my opinion. I've got very old SBE's that show some minor wear like this. They have held up for 18+ seasons, so I think yours will be fine :)

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