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Got Me An M4 Camo


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Ordered it today and should be in next week. I also ordered the titanium extended mag from carriercomp!


Now the question:

1. Is it possible (with due diligence on my part) to safely remove the factory "short" mag unit without messing it up (I have read the posted procedure on how to do it)? My intention is to reuse it when I take the gun to a "public range".


2. This also means that the carriercomp unit would have to be easily removable when I need to. Will this be possible?


3. Do I have to use Locktite each time? I could use the so-called easily removable one (purple I think).


Thank you for your comments.


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If you use a heatgun, the stock tube will come out with no problem. It will not be damaged. There will be some loctite residue on the stock tube and on the threads in the receiver. You can leave this one, or clean it off. It matters not.


You can then put on your full length tube with no loctite if you want to constantly switch out your tube. I, and many others, have not loctited our tubes into the receiver for this reason as well as others.


All you will have to do when you change tubes is move the snap ring spring retainer over from the end of one tube to the end of the other. This is easily done with snap ring pliers. Then move over the spring and follower, and you are good to go.


So, the answer to all your questions is yes you can reuse, yes the +7 tube will be removable, and no you don't have to ever use loctite again if you don't want to. I've had no issues with an unloctited tube.


Also, you should keep the springs with their proper tubes ... the stock tube and stock spring, and the carriercomp tube and carriercomp spring. It is much longer than the stock one, and has 10 or so more coils, thus making it too large to function in a 5 round tube I beleive.



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