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drop and cast adjustment


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I have a new 12ga ultralight and wanted to try adjusting the drop and cast with the templates enclosed with my gun. Anyone with suggestions as to how to begin the journey? I know how to get the butt plate and stock off - just not sure how to begin trying different templates.

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Isn't it in your manuel. I don't have a UL by I looked up the SBE II manuel and its in there. www.benelliusa.com/assets/manuals/Benelli_Super_Black_Eagle_II_manual.pdf

The manual is not very good. It is easier to do than the manual might lead you to believe. Common sense will be more help than the manual as long as you read it, for what it's worth, while you are doing the project. You can do it. 13 MM socket, vaseline, phillips screwdriver, and you're in business. Did mine. It's all good! (I am no shotgun expert, just a regular "Joe."

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