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HELP!!! I Can't Get Trigger Group back in M3!!!


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Well, after owning and having some fun with the benelli M3, I decided to get it sent off to someone who welds the shell lifter together so that it no longer pinches my finger/thumb (as it was doing annoyingly often). I disassembled the gun, poped out the trigger group, and sent it off.


Now, for the life of me, I am unable to get the trigger group back in. I have tried pushing it in with the gun assembled, disassembled. It doesn't seem to want to go in easily. Is there something I am missing? Is there some trick to it?


What's going on here?

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Ok, well I managed to get the trigger group into my otherwise fully assembled Benelli M3.


Now a new problem arises.....


The shotgun doesn't seem to want to load shells now! I can cycle the action through either pump or bolt manipulation, but if I place any shells in the magazine tube, the cycling of the pump or bolt doesn't load any rounds from the magazine!!!


On top of that, the only way rounds will load from the magazine is if I press the little silver lever with the red dot on it located on the side of the receiver. What is going on here?

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Sounds like you installed the trigger group wrong. First off with the trigger group outside of the shotgun. Befor starting to install the trigger group in the shotgun. push down on the bolt release. After pushing down on the bolt release slide in the trigger group in from the back side first and then pushing the front side up into the reciver. NOTE: (IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE THE BOLT RELEASE BUTTON PUSHED IN WHILE INSTALLING AND REMOVING THE TRIGGER GROUP)


I personly would take the whole firearm apart first and start from scratch. Removing and installing the Trigger group whith the bolt/boltcarrier removed.



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Hummm, at the current moment i would venture to guess something may have gotten broke/altered in the process of the first install. or possably when the lifter was "welded" if you could take photos of your firearm disacembled and i will glady compare them to mine and post photos of my componets for comparision if you so wish vang



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