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Vinci design issue?

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I am new to the forum and I am looking for some input. I have been hunting for over 35 years and have owned several 870s, an 1100, an SBE and most recently a Vinci. The problem I am having is that on recoil with certain shells the rear of the trigger guard slams into my middle finger. This can really hurt and after several impacts I have quite a lump. This has occurred most with 3" HeviSteel shells (discontinued) at 1550 fps. It has not happened with target loads and some goose loads. I think the designers at Benelli wanted to make a striking (pun intended) statement when they extended the rear of the trigger guard. But by doing this they reduced the clearance between the guard and finger behind it. I also am not a big fan of the safety in front of the trigger - I do not find this ergonomic.


I talked to Benelli customer service re: this a couple of months ago and they said I was the only person to complain of the trigger guard design. Any input??



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I haven't shot a Vinci yet but, if you hold and shoulder the gun properly, I can't see how anyone would have issues like yours.:( I tend to agree with you on the safety in front (not). Love the SBEII design and think Benelli should have gone with same on the Vinci, but hey, they had to come up with something different I guess:confused:

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"I also am not a big fan of the safety in front of the trigger - I do not find this ergonomic."


Nor do I, but Winchester, among others, has been doing it this way for years. You'll get accustomed to it.


Regarding the trigger guard hitting yoru middle finger, I have heard people having this problem before. I think its more of a problem of how this particular gun fits your hand/finger (or vice-versa) than it is a design flaw (which it isn't because most people don't have this problem.)


I think someone (try Brownells) sells a padded "thing" you can put on your trigger guard that helps with this problem.

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