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Some of you may know I recently bought a Montefeltro 12ga 28' barrel. I took it to the sporting clays range today for the first time.


I wasn't familiar with auto loaders so to some of you this may seem pretty obvious. I'm writing for the folks that are considering something similar.


First the recoil is considerably less significant than my 12ga O/U Weatherby. 5 boxes of shells would leave me with a bruise shooting the Weatherby, this is no big deal, in fact I'm planning on shooting at a charity event tomorrow.


Cycling - I was shooting Winchester 12ga 2 3/4 1350fps 1 1/2 oz 7 1/2 shot today. I purposely switched to two boxes of Nobel Sport low recoil rounds (1oz) to see if they would cycle - no issues what so ever.


A breeze to clean, got it home, pulled the barrel, no problem cleaning it, super easy.


Shooting - ah yes - have you ever shot when you thought the birds looked the size of dinner plates? That's what it was like for me today. Highest wobble trap score 24/25, highest skeet score 20/24, and a very good sporting clays score of 42 of 50. Yea 42/50 isn't going to break any records, but considering I had already shot 3 boxes of shells and it was my first time with the gun - I'm happy as ****. The scores will only go up from here


Anyway - I absolutely love the gun, I wouldn't change a thing about it. It points beautifully, like an extension of my arm. Remember - First and foremost - be sure it fits you! You'll love it as much as I do.


Happy shooting!

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Doc, you said; "First the recoil is considerably less significant than my 12ga O/U Weatherby. 5 boxes of shells would leave me with a bruise shooting the Weatherby, this is no big deal, in fact I'm planning on shooting at a charity event tomorrow."


Now you're scaring me!! I'm about ready to pull the trigger on a Browning 625 Sporting, possibly GP Sporting. Are you saying I should forget it? ;) NO NO NO, NOT selling or trading the Supersport!


But.....to keep this Benelli oriented, I'd like to congratulate you on loving your first Benelli! My SS has been keeping me quite happy, as I'm positive will your Monte!


Feel free to PM me with any O/U tips you have!


Happy Shooting!

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2wheel - that 625 is a beautiful gun, it'll be heavier than your SS which will reduce some recoil, but it's gonna kick, and it'll kick more than your SS for sure. If you regularly go through 5-6 boxes of shells when you shoot, you may be a bit sore the next day.


On the other hand, I really like the simplicity, and elegance of the O/U. It's a classic in terms of looks, cleaning and take down doesn't get any easier.


Don't look at it as an "either or" situation, the 625 will compliment your SS very well, giving you an alternative to shoot. When you think about it, the two guns couldn't be more dissimilar, which is all the more reason to have both.


Something to be aware of, aside from the additional weight of the 625, you'll find the fore end grip to be larger than what you're used to on the SS. The two barrels will likely make it more barrel heavy as well compared to the SS - not bad things mind you - just differences you'll find compared to your SS. I like the 20 gauge Citori's more than the 12ga because they're lighter and thinner, but that's just me.


Get the 625, and hang on to the SS, it'll be a nice combination to own.

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