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MR1 Rear Sight too small!


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Bought the MR1, the stock rear iron sight it came with is so small I can't even see through it.

Called Benelli, the customer service girl wouldn't acknowledge the issue, any advice?


I really wanted to use the iron sights for a while and practice with them before using any sort of scope.

On numerous forums and websites it's discussed that the sight is too small and that some people received a larger sght that they could attach optionally in the box, I did not.



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I just bought a new-in-box MR1. It came with two rear sights (or called rear sight inserts?)


The one that is installed on the rifle has a smaller hole (just like the one you showed in the picture), and there is a second sight insert attached to the rifle using a pastic bag/tie. The second sight has a bigger hole and has two white dots on left and right of the hole (for faster sighting, I guess) To change the sights, just simply screw/unscrew them with a screw driver.


Hope it helps.


With best regards,

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Thanks for the info.

The second rear sight of course did not come with my MR1, or the range that held it for me kept it or threw it away.


So, I have been scouring and reading on every site and low and behold, on this site in the "first impression" entry are tons of people mentioning the same issue.


After reading the below, I have left a message for Paula Murdock, saying that I will even purchase the second larger sight and could they just deliver it for me, I explained how this is a known issue to all except most Benelli service reps. I promised favorable reviews and would really like to give them, keeping my fingers crossed while I wait for the call back.


Excerpt from someone else's post:

"I'll try to keep it short, but in a nutshell I emailed every top executive that I could find in Benelli USA telling them how ridiculous it was that they did not have nor could they get parts for the MR1 as I was told several times by CS and that I had been trying to get problems with my MR1 resolved since January. I also mentioned that a couple of people on the forum had been waiting for simple parts like “O” rings since November 2009 and that this was totally unacceptable. I told them I had had enough and was selling my MR1 on an auction site and would bad mouth them every chance I got. Also said some other things to get their attention, but I won’t get into it. I sent the emails out late on a Friday, received an email and phone call from the Manager of Customer Service on Monday AM. After a conversation with her she offered to take my rifle back, put on the small peep sight (that they supposedly couldn’t get), make sure that it was all up to spec. and picked up the shipping charges both ways. They got it back to me in 8 days (pretty impressive). I used it for the first time in my high power league and it shoots fine now…I’m keeping it. If you have a problem with CS about your “O” rings ask to talk to Paula Murdock, she is the CS Manager she told me several times that the “O” rings were in stock. Good luck my friend."

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