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Benelli Supernova with MXT +2 extension and clamp does not line up.


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Hi, in the picture you can see that the clamp hits the sight before it can line up in the space on the MXT tube, and cannot get tightened evenly. The space for the clamp on the tube is exactly centered so reversing the tube does not help.


So my options are to change to the old EXT tube, with no space for the clamp, so I can position it where I want, OR , cut out the clamp so it fits around the front sight.


So has anybody seen or had this problem ? Nordic has been very helpful in this and is also confused why this does not fit, and has suggested the above 2 options. Could be something with the gun, or a change. They are going to investigate further. Thanks, Wayne


Edited by Waynefi
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FWIW, Nordic does not seem to know why this is, and is going to see what is different if they can. As in many past cases it all lines up, including a picture of someone elses gun. I decided to trim the clamp. Did it with a dremel it came out OK. I will repaint it once it gets back from being reformed from Nordic, to fit the Benelli spacing better..

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